Quick recovery perk reduces both knockdown and knocked out AP cost by 75%, which translates to 4x faster knock out recovery in CTB atleast. Could also mod that to 100% AP cost reduction to get the same effect?
How to disable the new burst fire fix? There's only the option to enable/disable old burst fire fix. Do I just delete the CalculateChance, CalculateSharefunctions, OnBurstAttack functions in ftse_base file? Asking because if i'm playing solo the bug would only give me an advantage, would it not?
Wow, thanks so much. You should put this in your Github wiki. Your critical hit documentation has been instrumental in me doing multiple solo tough guy runs. I learned from your documentation that FT classifies bypass and 2x damage crits as "low crits", so the Heavy Handed trait "penalizes" you...
Not a FTSE specific issue, but why did Farsight promote to senior initiate while my main character and Stitch are still initiates. Both Stitch and Farsight have 5 charisma. Does Farsight have more initial "missionscom" value? This is important for the above reason. I thought maybe kill counts...
I have a problem with save corruption with duplicate invisible Farsights
1. Finished first mission in tough guy mode
2. Put Farsight and Stitch into recruit pool
3. Save and reload
4. Farsight is missing from the recruit pool
5. Recruit anyone else
6. Save and reload
7. Now you have invisible...
If attacker has the Heavy Handed trait, reduce the critical effect roll by a random factor from 0 to the value of the roll. Example: if the above results in a critical effect value of 74, then Heavy Handed results in an actual roll randomly selected between 1 and 74.
Also heavy handed saves you...