Just saw Lawless, I heard it wasn't good but I ignored the reviews and saw it anyway, it was actually pretty good. It was some what funny when ever Tom Hardy spoke he finished with grunts and grumbles or just replied with them.
The only real criticisms I agreed with in reviews for the movie...
My name is Hans, and I wanted to do something, "Falloutish", so Hans Omega. I usually do Hanzibonzi which is a big nickname I have had from tons of people who a few made up separately.
Looking at all these pics if this movie is considered a piece of crap it would still probably be somewhat enjoyable. I think it will be good though, the worst that could happen is we could get a realistic Transformers film. I probably will like it no matter what.
7/10 That wasn't bad, not really my type, but I could see it being a good song driving or on the beach or something.
Lets see much you like this though...
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/cdN2bfov9JQ" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Ya know I hate to say it, but I really liked his dog in the second film. I would like to see that dog again. Other than that I don't want anybody associated with him, no kids, no girl, not even a partner, but the attack dog was cool.