You didn't install it correctly. The instructions are in Fallout2/Fallout1in2/ Either you forgot to run UNDAT.EXE or you chose the wrong folder or file in the dialog.
After you solve the game in 90 days and get all the good endings without using the motorcycle, and then do the quests you skipped and clean out the Glow, is there any thing fun to do?
I just started playing v1.10, and I noticed that Dogmeat had an issue. He broke a leg in a fight, and after that he was limping around and he wasn't even making normal dog sounds like barking or even whining. He just kept saying, "Error," every so often. It was heart breaking. He's fine now that...
Thanks, but I don't know how to set GVARs, and I can't find 0.90b or any evidence to support its existence. Right now, I'm testing the idea that lowering my luck from 10 to 9 might help. 10 makes the game a little too easy anyway.
Is there a workaround for the Nuka-Cola truck special encounter crash? (I tried et tu, but I find fixt easier to use.)
Edit: I found the bug. There's a typo in the COLATRUK script. "destroy_object(Cokes)" should be "destroy_object(Coke)". (I don't know whether it's worth uploading the fixed file.)