Recent content by Human Shield

  1. H

    how to make an H-bomb

    That site is BS. The hardest thing to make for an A-bomb is the timing device for the explosive shell, you need it correct to a fraction of a second. The homemade thing mite explode and spread radiation but it ain't going nuclear without a precise timing device made in a lab by experts.
  2. H

    Fallout 2 Setting Improvement Mod v3

    After putting it on hold for monthes I made the final touches. Includes basically all the changes I was going for, not too dramatic but noticible. Bugs will probably pop up tell me if anything doesn't work. Give feedback and sugguestions. FO2 Setting Improvement v3...
  3. H

    Neocron open beta

    Is it still running around in sewers killing little rats, spiders, and flies.
  4. H

    Realistic Arroyo mod, tech question.

    Did you get the GECK and the return to the village before beating the Enclave? What is Arroyo supposed to look like after beating the game, I usually quit. Does this happen with any other mods that override patch000?
  5. H

    Realistic Arroyo, Fallout 2 setting improvement project v.1

    Re: Some feedback... Setting up a swap obj box is annoying but I am working on them. Did you rename patch000? Other mods mite adjust MAP.txt file. I didn't touch Klamath scripts, don't know.
  6. H

    Realistic Arroyo Mod

    The shaman death scene was played twice (after GECK and after killing Enclave)? How did you get to the town center if the bridge was down?
  7. H

    Realistic Arroyo Mod

    You installed it on a completed save-game? Changing the data files with a saved game would probably mess up scripted events.
  8. H

    Realistic Arroyo, Fallout 2 setting improvement project v.1

    Yeah, Arroyo isn't changed that much. I put a reference that they don't feel the need to trade for better clothes for everyone. And it is one of the only places where you can see the tribal models, and the art in Fallout 2 is great. And making new houses with roofs is tough with the mapper. New...
  9. H

    Realistic Arroyo Mod

    Better version. Explains some more stuff. Download here or at NMA if they ever end up hosting the file. +++++++++++ FO2 Setting Improvement v2 Trys to alter FO2 to come more in line with Fallout 1's setting. -----------------Current Changes: Replaces gold coins with beautiful...
  10. H

    Realistic Arroyo, Fallout 2 setting improvement project v.1

    Why isn't Redding being taken over if they have the only gold mine and can magically mint coins. The HUB routes and influence would say around, NCR worked on caps when it was Sandy Sands. And I liked the caps and plain didn't like gold coins.
  11. H

    Realistic Arroyo, Fallout 2 setting improvement project v.1

    I made this simple mod for Fallout 2. Download and extract to Fallout 2 folder. It replaces the temple of trails with a short path, provides a reason for the crops failing, changes most of the dialogue. The village knows about technology (they have been trading), only the Elder and Shaman...
  12. H

    Interplay sez: More 50's Influence for Fallout Console Game!

    Advance android Fallout Boy with psychic powers and his talking pet Deathclaw.
  13. H

    Silver Style and Fallout 3

    Many people feel that today's standards have gone downhill. Fallout is still loved because it sets a high standard that works even today. It doesn't need real-time. It doesn't need stupid mini-games. Weakening the design to try and be popular kills your product faster.
  14. H

    Darwin award

    It doesn't matter where an idea comes from, if it is smart then use it. Some (many?) times developers are stupid. And the Fallout issue had been to do with respecting previous work. The developers can make whatever they want but don't put the wrong title on the box!
  15. H

    Expanding the universe

    Wow my post made the front page, I am so honored :wink: .