Recent content by iSage

  1. iSage

    Falltergeist - free software Fallout 2 game engine

    Something like that, yes. Mainly because we all have real-life work that we need to do. "Playable" in 1-2 years, but to be fully completable/implemented and compatible with mods will take some more time.
  2. iSage

    Falltergeist - free software Fallout 2 game engine

    Yes. It's in README. Same as on linux. Install deps from brew and compile. dmg target is for packaging.
  3. iSage

    Falltergeist - free software Fallout 2 game engine

    It's too early for that. We'll do it around 0.5.0, maybe.
  4. iSage

    Falltergeist - free software Fallout 2 game engine

    You'll still need original assets, yes. Maybe we'll translate some of formats (like .lst, or AI config) into more readable/editable format, than again, we can just include some kind of installer (like ArxLibertatis did) and do this automagickally.
  5. iSage

    Falltergeist - free software Fallout 2 game engine

    Dialogs are somewhat working (no talking heads, though). Combat, worldmap, npc ai are not. It's hard to early to call it even alpha. Developers are welcome, as we are now on long break due to real life. (for example, someone, who can rewrite renderer in opengl+shaders, as i am too lazy) Also, i...
  6. iSage

    Fallout engine movement animation system

    Main problem with lighting is how to build the lightmap. It's, well, a real mess.
  7. iSage

    Does anyone know how transparency egg works?

    Oh, nevermind, i'm just stupid and forgot to read/set/check orientation of scenery objects. So yeah, texture offsets are ignored (they just checked later for intersection with egg texture), and tile_coord returns screen coords of *hex*
  8. iSage

    Fallout engine movement animation system

    AFAIK yes, all objects are loaded properly
  9. iSage

    Does anyone know how transparency egg works?

    Subj. (Well, atleast authors of fonline should know, because it works there) I know that it's based on wall orientation, and checks are done by tile_in_front_of/tile_to_the_right_of, which uses tile_coord, which returns hex coords. And it kinda works, but there's some scenery, like billboard...
  10. iSage

    Fallout engine movement animation system

    You can check how we've done it: It's almost same as your method, but we offset frames based on previous "action" frame. But, why make many engines/ports, when we can all work on one?
  11. iSage

    Game Boy Advance Fallout Rom?

    Our engine runs fine on android, and should run on PSP as well, but that's not the point. As was said, GBA is just too slow. There's no hardware acceleration (well, only for scaling and rotation). There's also lack of ram (256KB) and storage (32MB without bank switching). Moreover, screen is too...
  12. iSage

    fallout for linux source it's around 40% done, ai+battle system are what's left until semi-playable version. Currently there's 3-4 programmers, including me, +/- couple of people, who send pull requests from time to time. We're on hiatus until New Year, because of real life, though.
  13. iSage

    fallout for linux source

    Any chance to make this runnable? We are writing c++/SDL2 engine reimplementation, and this will greatly help with debugging and peeking how original binary worked.
  14. iSage

    Does anyone knows, how font colors technicaly works?

    Yeah, i know about that. op_float_msg contains switch/case, which sets initial color (for pixel with value 7) Long day of debugging led me to something like (inside sub_4422B4): color = [0xc826ec+(pixelValue << 8)] (this is for standard float text, for others address changes, of course ) Still...
  15. iSage

    Does anyone knows, how font colors technicaly works?

    According to wiki on AAF format, each char pixel defined by value 0-9, which is "brightness" (i've seen only values up to 7 in all fonts, but whatever) I know for sure, that initial values (palette index) for float_msg is hardcoded. I guess it's for pixels with value=9. But how palette indexes...