Recent content by Jack Reynolds

  1. Jack Reynolds

    A Note On Ghouls - Feral v. Non-Feral (Long Read)

    That's true, fair point; although I forget which in my game are vanilla and which are mod-added, such as: Atomic!, Radiation Renegade, Rad Resistance, Rad Absorption, and more. Some of those, I suspect, are from Sweet 6 Shooter's Perks Overhaul. But it takes mods to undergo full...
  2. Jack Reynolds

    A Note On Ghouls - Feral v. Non-Feral (Long Read)

    That's not really a curveball so much as it is further supporting evidence that ghoulification isn't based on the amount or rapidity of exposure. It puts her in the same "club" as Private Kyle Edwards in Searchlight. We can deduce from the example of Moira that she had no military- or...
  3. Jack Reynolds

    A Note On Ghouls - Feral v. Non-Feral (Long Read)

    I'm a writer; I like untangling lore f***ups. :D
  4. Jack Reynolds

    A Note On Ghouls - Feral v. Non-Feral (Long Read)

    I mean that, given enough radiation exposure: 1. Lucy will ghoulify, and 2. Lucy will go feral.
  5. Jack Reynolds

    A Note On Ghouls - Feral v. Non-Feral (Long Read)

    Now, I'm sure this has been done to death, but I want to add something to it, and Search isn't bringing up any previous iterations on this point. So here we go. Ferality in ghouls is not a degree of ghoulification. It's a type. For convenience, I'm going to refer to non-feral ghoulification as...
  6. Jack Reynolds

    That New Vegas Gunslinger Life...

    (Disclaimer: This post, while its topic still does apply to the vanilla game, will also be mentioning mod-added weaponry; I apologize, in advance, if that's not allowed on this board. If there's a rule against it, I haven't spotted said rule yet.) For the longest time, and for the majority of...
  7. Jack Reynolds

    Kale watcha nei conserva oh!

    Sorry to necro a thread, but something occurred to me: Maybe 'Kale' isn't equivalent to any real world current year translatable word, but is simply the White-Legs' specific name for their conception of god, the way the Sorrows have deified Randall Clarke/The Survivalist into "The Father In The...
  8. Jack Reynolds

    Mr. New Vegas as an AI: references in game

    Two things: First, the setting. A functioning radio station stands out in an environment where so much of the modern technoscape has been reduced to rubble. Second, the fact that the radio station in question seems to follow your player character's exploits. In a franchise like Grand Theft...
  9. Jack Reynolds

    Mr. New Vegas as an AI: references in game

    Another idea that just occurred to me re: circumstantial evidence in game that could lead someone to infer that Mr. New Vegas is an AI: he knows if/when you assassinate Caesar. How would he know? Probably by overhearing Legionaries talk about it near the abandoned weather station / Securitron...
  10. Jack Reynolds

    Mr. New Vegas as an AI: references in game

    It honestly makes perfect sense to me that Mr. New Vegas is an AI. Look at everything he reports on. It's always someplace either within sensor range of the Strip (like Freeside or even McCarran) or someplace a Securitron has been (Goodsprings, NoVac, Hidden Valley.) Who arrived in Goodsprings...
  11. Jack Reynolds

    Kale watcha nei conserva oh!

    As for the White Legs being descended from Navajo rather than Apache, I really think Apache is much more likely. The Dead Horses are explicitly stated to have Navajo heritage, and the White Legs are sufficiently distinct -- both in dress, in customs, and in geographical origin -- from the Dead...
  12. Jack Reynolds

    Kale watcha nei conserva oh!

    Frankly, either is possible, and both come out to the same result. Conserva means 'preserve' in either Latin or Spanish; and since the Utah tribals are canonically descended from a mix of Native Americans, Americans more generally, and European tourists, it might already have been in their...
  13. Jack Reynolds

    Kale watcha nei conserva oh!

    I have to admit, I'm not basing my guess purely on an attempt to translate the phrase; I'm also basing it on context and deduction. "As god is my witness, none of you will be spared" not only synthesizes previous guesswork but is also based on the White Legs' language picking up influences from...
  14. Jack Reynolds

    Kale watcha nei conserva oh!

    It's possible he didn't/doesn't know because somebody else wrote that particular line. In any case, what Graham's speaking seems to be White Leg -- makes sense in context, since he delivers the line to Salt-Upon-Wounds and, indirectly, the handful of other White Legs on their knees. What the...
  15. Jack Reynolds

    Kale watcha nei conserva oh!

    "As god is my witness" (Kale watcha) "none of you will be spared." (nei conserva oh.)