Recent content by Jordan

  1. J

    Fallout 1 mod FO1 to FO2 conversion, for real

    Hello Sduibek. What changes, you made in mod?
  2. J

    Fallout 1 mod FO1 to FO2 conversion, for real

    I used a preprocessor for your. 961 compiled script. Here's a link to the archive. The archive source scripts. To compile the script click compile.bat
  3. J

    Fallout 1 mod FO1 to FO2 conversion, for real

    Sduibek You want to transfer your mod to the engine f2? Transfer script is not complicated. I used a preprocessor to restore constants, global variables. I have not read the whole thread topic. But if you have questions I will answer them. Good luck...
  4. J

    Fallout 1 worldmap

    Card archive. Contains images in frm and masks. Unpack in a game folder.
  5. J

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Hello Timeslip You can add 3 functions 1.AttackOn - Enable Attack 2.AttackOff - Turn off the possibility of attack 3.AttackSheck - Check the Flag Attack On / Off
  6. J

    sfall script editor

    That's great. Thank you for your work. In the program there is a button that sends a script to compile a bat file. The program can be translated. If you are interested, I can translate the program interface to English. True text scattered all over the source. I think I can cope.
  7. J

    sfall script editor

    Timeslip You can add to the compiler, remove unused procedures and variables? Example procedure start begin end procedure talk_p_proc begin start_gdialog(962, self_obj, 4, -1, -1); gsay_start; call Node001; gsay_end; end_dialogue; end procedure Node999 begin end...
  8. J

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Russian ini file. Thanks Ray.
  9. J

    Megamod 2.35 technical issues and suggestions

    Excellent news. Roman82 will translate version 2.4 You can send me a text folder version 2.4
  10. J

    How to set up a Fallout 2 mod without much trouble

    Lexx Better simply. fallout2.cfg [sound] music_path1=data\sound\music\ music_path2=..\data\sound\music\ [system] critter_dat=..\critter.dat critter_patches=data\ master_dat=..\master.dat master_patches=data\ language=english 2 versions of the mod weighs 60 megabytes Create...
  11. J

    Megamod 2.35 technical issues and suggestions

    Greetings MIB88. You can give the reference to the version a mod 2.34? It is necessary to me for comparison msg files with version 2.35.
  12. J

    NPC Armor

    Where to download NPC Armor mod? In wiki I have not found references to downloading.
  13. J

    Fo1 and 2 Worldmap

    Excellent work Lexx! :clap: I converted a world map in frm and msk.
  14. J

    Fallout 1 scripting - spawning critters and and their items.

    Look scripts beginning on LA LAADYTUM.ssl LABLADES.ssl LAADYTUM.ssl export variable InBladePtr1; export variable InBladePtr2; export variable InBladePtr3; export variable InBladePtr4; export variable InBladePtr5; export variable InBladePtr6; export variable InBladePtr7; export...