Recent content by K.C. Cool

  1. K

    Chris Avellone leaves Obsidian

    There's an update on Eurogamer: No additional news, but at least we know he has to be tight lipped about his next projects.
  2. K

    Fargo says Meantime, Van Buren trademarks not part of what's up next

    Man, an Arcanum sequel would be amazing. Who owns the license to that game? Sierra?
  3. K

    Vault boy's thumbs up. What's your take?

    Maybe he just plain old likes 'em small? Though, you make an excellent point. I think we need to rush a Reddit on this one and convince the internet of what we found.
  4. K

    Vault boy's thumbs up. What's your take?

    Hey guys, Apologies if this was posted before (I searched), but I was curious as to what's NMA's take on vault boy's thumbs up is. Supposedly, vault boy isn't thumbs-uping, he's actually measuring the size of an atomic cloud to estimate if he's safe or not. Sounds feasible considering the "Duck...
  5. K

    Fallout Archaeology: Robert Nesler's concept art (Van Buren)

    Fuck, I LOVE that spaceship. The perspective on the dam is a little wonky, but feels a lot like Megaton like others have said.
  6. K

    Crying Horn APA mk II fanart

    These are amazing. Very detailed and very accurate. Fuckingbravo!
  7. K

    Wasteland 2 Kickstarter Drive ends, $3.04M raised

    Awesome, awesome news! Thank you everyone for helping me help fund wasteland! ;) But seriously, congratulations everyone, we did it! Thanks to Brian Fargo, every gaming news source that promoted/wrote about this, Kickstarter, and every single one of you donating! I'm not one to put the...
  8. K

    Wasteland 2 drive in the final 24 hours

    I put my $250 in! I hope they keep in touch with the Pay-Pal people just as well as the Kickstarter people.
  9. K

    Unigine CEO offers free license for Wasteland 2

    The six figure offer has me a little worried. Where is the line between "donation" and "investment" drawn? In other words, what dollar amount will buy influence in design decisions and monetary returns on sales?
  10. K

    Wasteland 2 twitter tidbits

    If that's the case then every kickstarter that pulls off some old school RPGs is getting several hundred from me every time.
  11. K

    No Mutants Allowed front-page redesign

    For the layout, contrast between elements, large condensed type for news, I think they are good choices. While the colors are drastically different, I think I liked the old ones because I was familiar with them; which is a shit reason to be married to it. Much better "latest image" viewer, I...
  12. K

    InXile Kickstarter Project officially named Wasteland 2

    For me, I should be giving $50 for each year after years of disappointment of being a Fallout fan. Often times I found myself thinking "I would pay $xxx right now on a Fallout title tied closely to the originals." but I had no outlet. But this? Now's my chance...
  13. K

    Post-Apocalyptic Superbowl commercial

    Has anyone seen the upcoming Chevy Superbowl commercial? While obviously poking fun at all things post-apocalyptica (giant robots, UFO's, and the like) while throwing in a lame punchline against Ford, I figured I would share before the world sees it on Sunday...
  14. K

    Nuka Break/Obsidian video interview

    I agree with BN, during the whole interview I was just irked by the directionless questions by the interviewer (not to mention the his constant interruptions...). Interviews aren't casual conversations on camera, I wanted to hear the developers finish, not exactly what the interviewer had to...
  15. K

    Tim Cain joins Obsidian Entertainment

    Fantastic news, that made my night! While I agree with Per about Tim not joining his original team, I believe they're all pretty smart guys as well as great game developers/designers. Sure, the market might not be right for the type of game that we'll die to play but I'm confident that they...