Recent content by k_osmo_s

  1. K fallout2 always violent

    Just an idea, but have you tried to strart a new character after you edited the fallout2.cfg?
  2. K

    PC Appearance Mod

    You sir have my deepest admiration. This is pure epic (and nice work too :ok:)
  3. K

    How to set up a Fallout 2 mod without much trouble

    Cool, very useful information Lexx!
  4. K

    Ultravox's ART: First wave!

    The spear looks... interesting :shock: As for the other... :clap: I like especially the Mazer-gun. I'd like to see white rad suit :D But no hurry finnish these first :p Anxious to see!
  5. K

    Ardent's Fallout 2 Mod - Announcement

    I kinda wish I had my Fallout 2 cd with me... Looking good Ardent! Kind of hyped now. P.S. Love your M. C. -avatar :p
  6. K

    hot red Sonja :) ... hé,hé,hé... :)

    Cool work, brother! I'd like to use this model in my mod, perhaps. I am still daydreaming, haven't even re-installed F2 yet :D Wish I could model... And I too like the orange hair best, most natural look of the three(?) versions posted.
  7. K

    Random Encounter Questions

    You'll have to hack the sfalls ddraw.ini
  8. K

    Want to play baball with dogmeat ?

    This is kinda pointless but epic in the same time, cool work bro!
  9. K

    Van Buren Resources Exported!

    I fucken love this community. I JUST LOVE. You guys are amazing.