Recent content by Kilus

  1. Kilus

    Development stopping for Fallout: Vault 13, the Fallout 1 in Fallout 4 mod

    Fallout: Vault 13 was a mod for Fallout 4 that was to "port" Fallout 1 into the engine of the newer gane. It was in development for a number of years and in August released a demo featuring the first few areas of Fallout 1 in an open world map. However it was recently announced that development...
  2. Kilus


    Bethesda wasteland ruins aren't build by people in the wasteland, they just spontaneously generate.
  3. Kilus


    I heard Todd Howard abruptly stopped a Q and A session for Starfield and played songs for 30 minutes on stage.
  4. Kilus

    Fallout New Vegas enters Wikipedia's 'List of video games considered the best'

    Fallout 4 has had one entry in lists(greatest games of all time lists) they consider for the list.
  5. Kilus

    Fallout New Vegas enters Wikipedia's 'List of video games considered the best'

    Wikipedia's 'List of video games considered the best' is a best game of all time list generated from major publications best of all time lists. To be included a game needs to be part of 6 of those lists. Last month Fallout New Vegas hit the magic 6 and was added. Other Fallout games on there are...
  6. Kilus

    What is your addiction to changing settings?

    What is your addiction to changing settings?
  7. Kilus

    Iran doesn't allow video games.

    Iran doesn't allow video games.
  8. Kilus

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    The whole tunnelers discourse is funny. Have these people never played an RPG before? Caves of evil that will kill everyone if released everywhere.
  9. Kilus

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    Every other story in history vs Emil's unresolved parental issues.
  10. Kilus

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    The big Fallout TV show which is probably the most widely consumed piece of Fallout media takes almost everything from Fallout 1. Todd Howard is a modern Ed Gein with a Morrowind suit and a Fallout 1 suit.
  11. Kilus

    What happened to the Lone Wanderer after Fallout 3?

    Died when Vault Tec just nuked the Capital Wasteland.
  12. Kilus

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    Todd Howard: Jonathan Nolan came up to us and said what if the Scorched Plague killed everyone in New Vegas? Wouldn't that be interesting? A completely random event that invalidates a Fallout video game Bethesda didn't make, sign me the hell up.
  13. Kilus

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    One of the things I learned about the attack on Pearl Harbor and those 4 hijacked planes that crashed was no one associates dates with traumatic major events. So it was very very logical that not having date of the Shady Sands bomb on the chalkboard was a work of normalcy and anyone associating...
  14. Kilus

    The Male Sole Survivor from Fallout 4 is Canonically a War Criminal

    Hmmmm... Now the good folks at the Fallout guaranteed on pain of death that using a nerd emoji is a sign of Emil being sarcastic. Which means he hates Bethesda fans. Probably more than us. He'd probably drown them all in a bath tub after he got his money from them.