I think canonically everything fell under the banner of NCR, so Redding, Reno and Vault City all got annexed. Which is good because Vault City is horrible.
As to which of the endings of being annexed by NCR is canon, I don't know. But Cass in New Vegas and Ulysses in Lonesome Road talk about...
Seeing as this thread has turned into a discussion about the Tunnel Snakes (which were mentioned in the article) I'm going to say I had no problem with them, especially because they were in a Vault which would have more access to pre-war media than the people outside. As to where they got the...
Some of you might have already heard of Shamus Young. He's a person who talks about video games on the internet, he's talked about Fallout a few times. Anyway he's starting a new series of columns on his website called "The Blistering Stupidity of Fallout 3" where he is criticizing Fallout 3...
You're right. But there really should have been some kind of third option, it didn't even have to be an obvious one. If Fallout 1 or 2 had this quest they wouldn't have had a pop up tell you after you escape that you can now kill Braun and transfer admin privileges to someone else but if you had...
I liked Fallout 3 so I'm just going to say my favourite instead of my least hated, Tranquility Lane. Although I didn't like how limited your choices were when it comes to outcomes of the quest. You can either kill everyone in the simulation apart from Braun or leave them to be tormented by Braun...
Overexpansion on the NCR's part can obviously cause problems for them but I question why they would expand beyond New Vegas, at least anytime soon. Losing will stop expansion sure, but I'm not sure if they would expand much further even if they won. Rome for example didn't expand to new...
If this guy hates talking to people in Fallout: New Vegas I'd hate to see what would happen if he plays Planescape: Torment. I also have a feeling he doesn't know it wasn't made by Bethesda.
This person really has such an alien view of how games should be to me. Who wants choices that matter...
NCR is my favorite faction to side with but really I'm happy with anything that isn't Caesar. I'm with Cass on this, NCR has a lot of problems (corruption, incompetence, have horrible people in their organisation like Colonel Moore) they need to sort out and hopefully the war with the Legion is...
This trailer makes me think of how good Mark Morgan's music was at setting mood in 1, 2 and New Vegas. Shame his music almost certainly won't be used in Fallout 4.
I was thinking The Whisperer in Darkness would be good to adapt into a Fallout quest. Fallout already has Brains in Jars and you could have some intelligent mutants take the place of the Mi-Go.
I don't believe them. A broken clock is right twice a day and all that.
If somehow it was true then getting sued for breaking an NDA is an interesting way to get revenge on an ex-employer.
I'm not as annoyed as some people are, I'm just worried about how it would be implemented. Might reduce the things you can say in dialogue. I also hope they don't go for the Mass Effect thing where they paraphrase what you're going to say. Another issue is tone of voice, you could say the same...
I'm looking forward to this. I don't think it'll be as good as Fallout: New Vegas but I do think it might be better than Fallout 3. And I'm someone who likes Bethesda and Fallout 3.
Hopefully they don't just rip off Fallout 1 & 2 again when making their main story. If they do rip off earlier...