All the zero's on metacritic are either trolls or people overreacting.
Go look on steam forums or reddit. I haven't found a single person who says it's broken. Some people complaining about bugs or framedrops.
Before people are going to call me a fanboy. This game sure has flaws. I am not...
I haven't experienced one single bug.
Saying that this game is broken is ridiculous.
Saying that this game has a shitty dialogue system and inconsistent writing is true however. -_-
Fallout 3 was a milestone back in the day... The milestone of this generation is Witcher 3 and Fallout 4...
I think the user reviews are also this low because of the hype of Fallouf 4.
Lots of people on the internet that don't like Fallout have a negative reaction on the hype.
I know nobody from the community that is this negative...
People have complains about certain flaws, but general opinion is that it's a good game with a couple of poor design choices... not that it's broken or trash.
Because Witcher 3 is more deserving this is automatically a shit game?
Pretty sure that "user reviewers" that are giving this game a 0 have not played it.
Reading the negative reviews is also funny...
If you know nothing about Fallout 4 you would think it is a 10 year old remaster, that is barely playable. It's completely over the top.
Even if the graphics are not the best... they are still good. I can't believe that anybody that has played...