Recent content by laclongquan

  1. laclongquan

    Americanization of Fallout by Bethesda

    Money are backed. horribly in some case, perhaps, but it is backed, or it's waste paper. Even USD with the last decade's free-money strategy, is still backed, if nothing else, by the accumulated wealth of USA . You bring a truckload of USD to America and you can trade for something and bring it...
  2. laclongquan

    Americanization of Fallout by Bethesda

    You dont seem to understand the logic of this matter. The similarity of bottlecaps to gold/silver/prewarmoney/BusToken is that they are prewar artifacts. No one can replicate them easily and cheaply. Thus the reason bottlecaps being used in Cali, because no one can fake it. And if people choose...
  3. laclongquan

    Americanization of Fallout by Bethesda

    Fallout 3 has many problems in writings, and setting. But bottlecaps is not one of those. First, if you dont use caps, which kind of money would you use? Gold, Silver, Prewar Money? They would be the same as bottlecaps, aka a prewar artifacts which is rare and impossible to replicate. And once...
  4. laclongquan

    Americanization of Fallout by Bethesda

    The 50s idea was shown in Fallout 2 at first the desktops with computer that was commented tube computers, plus various super computer design. And New Reno mafia with (implied) Italian style (grease gun and Made Man). If it is 80s-90s the mafia would be more chaotic style. One can also argue...
  5. laclongquan

    Enclave origin theory and why they exist.

    The Oil Rig is more like a forward command base, and Navarro is forward base. Note that in oil rig we dont see any children, and the density of bunk bed make it more like a barrack rather than a home. See Vault 13/8/101 as how a home/shelter design would be: closed quarter for each family. So...
  6. laclongquan

    Is there a mod for NPC hp scaling?

    IF you mean automatically change a series of NPCs after each stage, then the answer is obviously no. (if you just mean player's companion like Vic, Sulik, or even Miria, that feature already active ingame). If nothing else, the issue of balancing would be horrendous. Beside, one central tenet...
  7. laclongquan

    Jumpsuit under armor concept

    You can just do the hard work. Other modders will fill in the quests, characters, and application for you. With F1/2 you never need to fear your work go unused.
  8. laclongquan

    Enclave origin theory and why they exist.

    Take a few whiskey shots. Chase it with slugs of red wines. I mean, your incoherent post still had a few logic-resembling lines. We cant have that, right?
  9. laclongquan

    Why do you think that modern Fallout don't let you dow hat you coul do with Miria?

    It's in the age of people didnt have 53 gender selection, so they can be as wild as they want. Although, i dont think New Vegas is too tame, however~ We didnt have samething, but Mistress Joana dont have same equivalent in Fallout 2 either, or Fisto "assuming position".
  10. laclongquan

    FNV Viva New Vegas Eye Strain

    If you have eyestrain it's possible you set the screen resolution too high and the refresh rate too low. Check desktop resolution and set it to something lik 70hz, 1280~ first and raise it higher step by step. But 70hz is about standard in making it not too straining. Just because you CAN set...
  11. laclongquan

    Genuinely think I hate fallout modding.

    Go screaming about it in nvse and its pluggin thread/discord~ Here that is useless~
  12. laclongquan

    How Long Can Ghouls Live Without Water

    I am pretty much on the side that ghouls need water (body function, BIOLOGY!) and Coffin Willie just bragged out of his ass. As some people said above: he's in a closed space, cant tell the passage of time. If you want to use his statement as a basis to do your thing... expect to be laughed at...
  13. laclongquan

    New Vegas with VNV won't launch anymore

    Sound like your driver (or some app related to that) auto updating? Check that?
  14. laclongquan

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

    My original memory is that survival and perception affect position of party in encounters (you are perceptive and or skilled to appear in beneficial position once encountering something). I am unsure this memory start with Fallout2 (instead of 1), but definite with Ettu.
  15. laclongquan

    I created hundreds of awesome pictures from the wasteland using Midjourney v5

    Yeah, eyeing shedevrum for the 1st time just this morning~