Recent content by laclongquan

  1. laclongquan

    How to prevent infinite loading screen

    Try :Open the saves folder of FNV. This generally can be done by open the Documents, then My Games, then FalloutNV then Saves (or whatever location the Saves folder is). Select all the files (fos, bak etc) inside and uncheck on Read only tag. Getting out to FalloutNV and check Saves folder...
  2. laclongquan

    How to prevent infinite loading screen

    Did you install the game in Program Files? That behavior sounds like it~ Proper procedure require you install the game in a normal folder, preferably with short address. Like c:\games\Fallout New Vegas\ for example Install in PF or in Steam (which generally in PF) is going to cause trouble.
  3. laclongquan

    John Gonzalez Returns To Obsidian Entertainment.

    Fallout IP is no hope, considering FNV as an illustrative case. The Beth guys are quite leery of outsourcers who changed their artistic vision. God forbid if someone bend the direction from "high contrast colorful plastic" back to "rusted and dusted post apocalypse". But Obsidian can still...
  4. laclongquan

    Fallout 1 name question

    Yeah, heard of that too. But get a childkiller rep just to get him to appear is too much for me. So I never have that happened. Supposedly present in both F1 and F2. Again: no confirm~
  5. laclongquan

    Fallout 1 name question

    It is Fallout Tactics. Roshambo. or at least, I never heard anything of the sort with Fallout 1. Fallout 2 has that encounter with Spammer and the mob but no name.
  6. laclongquan

    I am very curious I found this lying around and I can’t find anything about it! Has anyone seen this before?

    Several years before there's a wave of print-your-shirt trend, and with that, loads of custom arts Tshirts (and accessories) With Cease and Desist letters from copyright owners to shirt printers, it's all just stopped
  7. laclongquan

    what are the unmentioned towns and cities on the fallout 1 map?

    Tycho's time is nearly a hundred years before FNV time. So it's quite possible Vegas is in ruins (or not) according to Tycho's memory.
  8. laclongquan

    What is statistically the best weapon for each companion?

    Are you asking us to help you turn into a gameengine inside a human shell? Cause that sounds like it. I am interested if you do, though. But I gotta ask first.
  9. laclongquan

    Help with understanding melee

    Throwing + crit= energy pulverization = loot on the ash, one by one. Picking them up is a pain in the ass. So there's less motivation to use plasma grenades + Throwing, which is a niche anyway. Which is where Educated come to play. +2SP per level is of limited utility with high INT build, but...
  10. laclongquan

    Help with understanding melee

    Explosive is a good secondary/alternative for melee build. Sometimes your AP is not enough to approach and hit, so stay at middle distance and throw a grenade onto their pack is a nice idea: you stay out of accurate blast at close range, and ruined their position with a lucky explosion. (Guns...
  11. laclongquan

    Help with understanding melee

    You need more AP for melee/unarmed, any kind of AP. AP never go wrong with any build, but these type require more, to the level of necessity instead of "nice to have" like with guns/energy. I dont remember F1 has Bonus Move perk but it's terribly good for melee because you have extra AP for...
  12. laclongquan

    Rewrite vault 87

    V87 and east coast need another fucking full-staff department of writers to work on it, that's how bad the writing, the background, the scarcity of all of it. But we shall not have anything official working, and asking for amateur (aka modders) would be too much.
  13. laclongquan

    get ready for the next pandy

    Really hope for a restoration period here. This depressive state of economy is fucking too long already~
  14. laclongquan

    What is statistically the best weapon for each companion?

    I think 223 pistol do well for Ian. It use big pistol animation so Ian can use that one, I think. And reliability is better than random damage, considering it's Ian we are talking about. I remember I gave Katjia a Ripper and or Super/Sledge. She give crits often enough it compensate for her...
  15. laclongquan

    Joe Biden mod (human version not the Securitron version). Original upload on Nexus was deleted. Reuploaded here.

    Bro made some mediafire, mega upload something~ And dont use the original name outside. Rar it then use a different name for the rar.