Recent content by LanceVance

  1. LanceVance

    I was under the impression that Charisma affected rank......

    Thanks for clarifying that. I have just started my play throughout of FT with a character with Charisma 2. Before the final mission, his rank was 'Paladin commander'. I am now certain that CH does indeed affect rank, and if you start the game with a character with CH of 10, your starting rank is...
  2. LanceVance

    Fallout 2 the perfect character

    You DON'T gain an agility point for sleeping with Miss Kitty.
  3. LanceVance

    Fallout2 Highest Skill Level in a reasonable game

    ''The Super Tool Kit add a +20%'' Actually, it adds 40%. Other than that you are spot on, and I agree with you on just about everything.