Recent content by Languorous_Maiar

  1. Languorous_Maiar

    Where in the hell is Shady Sands?

    Shady Sands is in Owens Valley. They used 95 highway. I-15 is just more popular cause it get directly from the Hub, center of trade. Simple source: Maps for location:
  2. Languorous_Maiar

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Just use turn sequences. Like, start a fight, some action points to move there, then end it. Start again. And repeat all over again. All in the sneak, without running. With pretty low sneak I was capable of getting it. It's a basic of abusing the system in sneak actions - if they dont see at...
  3. Languorous_Maiar

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)
  4. Languorous_Maiar

    Fallout 1.5 walkthrough?

    You need only like ~130 speech (withour repair/science) to complete this game in non-violent way, it was speedruned like this - so it's completely doable.
  5. Languorous_Maiar

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    So basically - just following the instrucions from readme/screens. Good to know, have fun while playing.
  6. Languorous_Maiar

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    What version youre using? I remember I had similiar error for megamod. Seems like some classic conflict, but hmm It shouldn't happen in Nevada uch like that.
  7. Languorous_Maiar

    Fallout 1.5 walkthrough?

    There is that guard with script for that (and only that) locker. I even used sneak-dynamite kill on her... but without her there is no script, so I couldn't even interact with the locker (!). Seems like the only way would be killing the Mutant Hunters after joining them to obtain that one PA...
  8. Languorous_Maiar

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Even if you wont fight directly it happens? As far as I remember you can just not partipicate in the fight and have all of them killed.
  9. Languorous_Maiar

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    The latest one is that: 0.11
  10. Languorous_Maiar

    Fallout 1.5 walkthrough?

    You can get PA as rewards for: -Mutant base quest. Betray Sebastian (PA from mutants) or kill them (loot it). -Going on final quest to the final location at the behalf of Mutant Hunters - PA for you. But you need the mutant base quest to be solved in any way. -Ignore Mutant Hunters, join...
  11. Languorous_Maiar

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Luck: You can get 1 from doing some quest. You can get another 1 by holding an item, like shady mirrors in Fo2 with gave +1 CHA. In addition to it you can gain 1 STR, 2 END, 1 CHA + 3 additional STR from PA. Books: They seemed limited from merchants and in overall, they're kind of rare. Drugs...
  12. Languorous_Maiar

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Nightshade berriers - best way to gain 2/4 is at the entrance (railway station map) to the Hawthorne Military Base. You can also buy it from drug sellers in New Reno. And the Medic in the Winds of War should have like 3-4 of them. So you can do it in one-go. By default it's disabled as far as I...
  13. Languorous_Maiar

    Fallout 1.5 Resurrection cheats?

    That's how youre doing it:
  14. Languorous_Maiar

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Hello. Tribal medic can make a poison for you or you can bring Nighshade berries to the old Jed in Black Rock and he will give you recepture for the posion to make it yourself. You need 3 of them to poison the gang.
  15. Languorous_Maiar

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Look at the PM. Becasue of it I did not get most of the main plot, hmm.