Recent content by Lawful_Neutral

  1. Lawful_Neutral

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    Looks like I missed all the fun. Please let's not bring politics and conspiracy theories into this. Since I don't know if I'll be able to play the game before the release (I didn't get who will have access to new releases, selected patrons only?), I'll post my feedback now. As I previously...
  2. Lawful_Neutral

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    And here I was hoping for a redemption arc. :( Will it be possible to ask him to wait and let him re-join the party after exploring the location (like with companions in F1 and F2)? And I have another question: What location should I explore after the prison and Fort Abandon? I went to Grand...
  3. Lawful_Neutral

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    I just entered a location with tribals north-east of Fort Abandon. I can't talk to them, because the Hanged Man attacks them. Do they have any meaningful interactions? And what's his problem with tribals? I checked Van Buren design docs, but they don't explain why exactly he dislikes tribals.
  4. Lawful_Neutral

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    I meant getting him down right after entering the location, as it was intended in Van Buren. I can imagine the dialogue they currently have: "Hey dude, why are you hanging there? Well, tough luck, sorry, I have to go."
  5. Lawful_Neutral

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    Thanks! I did this in the previous release, so I was wondering if there is any way to free him without waiting for others to do it. I think it was mentioned somewhere in the comments long time ago that it was planned for the next (=this) release.
  6. Lawful_Neutral

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    Is there any way to free the Hanged Man now when you first enter Fort Abandon? I feel kinda bad just leaving him to hang there.
  7. Lawful_Neutral

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    I had this problem too, the solution isn't very intuitive. You need to turn on the radio on the second (? can't recall) floor and listen to it (just stand next to it for a few seconds), this will end the simulation. I'm not sure if I had to turn the radio off, I don't think so.
  8. Lawful_Neutral

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    Writing good romance dialogues is extremely difficult IMO. Fallout 4 has romances, but they are boring and don't really add much to the game. Usually for developers it's not the first priority anyway, like all optional content, especially not in the early stages on development. I understand why...
  9. Lawful_Neutral

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    This is the part I don't understand (this part of protagonist's background, not the absence of romances), it limits the roleplay. Why would a 40 years old character with 10 Charisma be a virgin? Or, in case the protagonist is female, the description of "Virgin of the Wastes" doesn't make a lot...
  10. Lawful_Neutral

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    Just finished playing R3, at least I think I discovered all locations and completed all quests I could. Really enjoyed it. It's nice how close it is to the original Van Buren design documents. I had a couple of funny moment when I thought "This looks odd, it was clearly invented by the mod's...