Recent content by Loremongrel

  1. L

    Metro Exodus : The REAL Wasteland

    This time, I'll first wait for some gameplay. I loved the pas games (2033 and Last Light), and I think this one will be a cool one too, but I'd rather see some more details.
  2. L

    Fallout 5 Predictions

    I think that the Enclave still lives, but is at the final stand: if Beth want to take them back, I hope it will be in Chicago then, but the book is possibly at the end. If, for some reason, the Enclave and the BOS return for one last showdown, I hope they both will annihilate themselves, or at...
  3. L

    Fallout 5 Predictions

    I hope to don't see neither, or at least a small splinter of the Enclave that isn't even to consider "a faction". At the core, I really love the Enclave, but after the events of Fallout 2 and 3, there may be just a few members that still stand grabbed to that "rebuild America" idealism. Many...
  4. L

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    I remember that in TV transmitted this cool looking, desert-like spot of a game set to Las Vegas: it looked good, and the name "fallout" reminded me of a game for PC that I read about on a game journal. After saving enough money (and hearing for the 100th time my father complaining that "it...
  5. L

    A Fallout Game Set in Europe

    Boy, the Italian commonwealth would be a war between North and South italy, with the Pope's Brotherhood in the middle . But jokes apart, it would be an interesting, new view on what the rest of the (old) world has become. Knowing Italy (hey, I can say it), it may be a shooting range of powers...
  6. L

    Fallout 5 Predictions

    At least the Village Elder isn't revealed to be the Enclave president. I liked the idea in Fallout 4 that Shawn was instead the head of the Institute, but... after that first moment of finding out (by spoilers), it felt so wrong, to don't say how he described the true mean of the Institute, what...
  7. L

    Future Fallout locations and story

    I would like a Fallout set in New York, but rather than going forward in the timeline (to better times and more organized groups, raiders too), back in the times of Fallout 1 and 2, maybe just a few years after the second installment of the series, at the time society was starting to define...
  8. L

    Future Fallout Power Armor Ideas

    Yeah, but still that's are mods. I have them and I can say they're good, but frankly I hate the take onto F4 power armors completely. Ironically, I liked the more "heavy armor" look of the old versions from New Vegas and 3 too. If it was for me, I would take back the idea of an actual armor ...