Not really the point you think it is. A discord having 10k users doesn't imply 10k players or even that at least 10k people like the mod. I've been on the discord before, the active users are under 200 members which is impressive in its own right I suppose but out of those a fair number of them...
L1 Devilswish
L2 TGSpy
L3 Outlander
The actual story of the Frontier is just ridiculous development hell, the re-work is a concept that's DOA since the bigger issue with the Frontier wasn't the controversy or even the fact the team couldn't respond well to controversy but the fact that the mod...
Woah there, I dunno where you're getting your info from but the Frontier was not a fun experience. It had horrible balance issues, map design, and enemy design even if you ignored the plethora of bad disjointed writing across the entire mod. Lore-wise if they wanted to fix The Frontier they'd...
In game you mostly encounter recruits and similarly under equipped fellas early on. Lorewise, Caesar is saving most of his men for the Dam itself. In game, it's pretty obvious their equipment isn't exactly balanced well. The ambush on the way to Novac where the legionaries virtually always die...
Either a Shi who sides with House/Legion to weaken the NCR or a former desert ranger who fell out with the NCR after the ranger unification due to them leaving much of the territory unprotected and ironically ends up joining Legion.
I actually think Lanius is a great candidate for the Legion and in many ways preferable to Caesar. The primary flaw of the Legion is that Caesar is a man obsessed with his dream and may be rushing things far too quickly. Now, he did have a tumor so some of the confusion and mistakes is easily...
The things that inspire factionalism are just not present in the Legion. There is no family structure, no privileges, rank and office barely mean anything unless you're at the very top. Legion is entirely unique.
Dunno the context of the argument you were having but just wanna put my two cents in. House isn't always correct, and falls for the same assumptions almost every anti-legion character in the game falls for when talking about Legion. The idea that a large tribe who actively disdains any personal...
All this drama. Dev team has terrible PR. Even without the scandals they couldn't handle criticism. Mod is 90% garbage, I played 70 hours and can only think of a few quests that were worth playing. Now that some of the modders left the team, they're being honest that the mod has almost no...
Played over 70 hours. Honest advice? Don't do it. It's not worth it. The cool weapons, armours, and the token few decent quests aren't worth the hundreds of hours of railroaded horrible stories. Almost everything in the game was executed poorly. The lore was completely broken. Even within the...
NCR Pros:
Massive state, by far the most developed nation only after the Shi
Manpower that is incomparably large to the other factions in California
An unquenchable manifest destiny
For the most part, a fair government
NCR Cons:
Over extended to the point that when they absorbed more forces...
I'd retcon FEV to be back to how specific it was while also fixing a lot of Fallout 2 plotholes to support it (Mainly the Magician super mutant throwing rats into raw FEV which would instantly turn into random creatures)
I miss the old formula for refined FEV where:
Pure Human + Short but...