Recent content by Mστh

  1. Mστh

    @TheGM There you go buddy. I campaigned to get your ass in here so don't ever say I never did...

    @TheGM There you go buddy. I campaigned to get your ass in here so don't ever say I never did anything for you.
  2. Mστh

    I've been trying to get them to invite you and Willy for a minute now.

    I've been trying to get them to invite you and Willy for a minute now.
  3. Mστh

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    Jesus Morgan, we don't want to hear about your weird tranny fetishes.
  4. Mστh

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    Damn. They have a daughter too don't they?
  5. Mστh

    Fallout TV-show Teaser Trailer just dropped

    Brother, there is no goddamn way a place like Megaton is surviving in those conditions.
  6. Mστh

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    Wait why are they shitty people?
  7. Mστh

    Fallout TV-show Teaser Trailer just dropped

    So the fun thing about civilization, and humans to a degree in extension, Is that it either dies or adapts. There really is no in between. I would not expect those threads to be completely wiped out. But 200 years... come on man. If it isn't that bad then the Capital Wasteland should be at...
  8. Mστh

    Accepted. Now we can be gay together. Also don't forget to shoot me a server link.

    Accepted. Now we can be gay together. Also don't forget to shoot me a server link.
  9. Mστh

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    His old avatar was much better than whatever the hell he's using now.
  10. Mστh

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    Funny, I've pondered this question for quite awhile. If we were to categorize them under just one genre to make things simple, rather than throw every genre under the sun on their description like wikipedia and music sites do, I might categorize them as trip-hop. If not that, then nu hip-hop or...
  11. Mστh

    Hey brother, sorry I'm late. I ended up having to make a new Discord, can I get a invite link...

    Hey brother, sorry I'm late. I ended up having to make a new Discord, can I get a invite link again? Discord name is Prozac_20576 if you or Dano want to shoot me a friend request (I don't remember either of your profile numbers/whatever they are).
  12. Mστh

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    Destiny's wife left him for a jobless Scandinavian after getting her a marriage-allocated green card and marrying her with no pre-nup. If anyone took political or relationship advice from this guy they're a fucking moron.
  13. Mστh

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    Probably not very unpopular of an opinion, but Amouranth's new "vaginal yeast beer" is even more disgusting than The Human Centipede films.
  14. Mστh

    Hypothetical: NMA shuts down, what you do? POLL!

    Anyone I give two fucks about their existence and wellbeing IRL here I have on Discord. Other than that, I've got ass cancer (actually intestinal but ass cancer sounds funnier), so I could really give two shits about whether NMA goes under or not right now. We were already beginning to...
  15. Mστh

    Gender politics in The Outer Worlds

    I prefer the term nigger faggot. It rolls off the tongue a lot nicer.