Recent content by mannawyadden

  1. mannawyadden

    A first look at Magic the Gathering - Fallout. Available March 8, 2024

    I assumed all these things from other franchises were self-contained spinoff games, not meant to be compatible with the main MtG game. Nope...they're all perfectly legal. If Wizards of the Coast isn't taking their game seriously anymore, why should anyone else? Well, I guess they're doing...
  2. mannawyadden

    A first look at Magic the Gathering - Fallout. Available March 8, 2024

    Me: "Hey, lemme show you something real quick. Go to google images and type...Magic the Gathering Fallout" Her: "What... ...huh?? Is this real?" Me: "Heheh.." Her: "Wow, I wonder what people are saying about this. What about that forum with all the old school Fallout fans? I bet they're gonna...
  3. mannawyadden

    Cain on Games (Tim Cain's YouTube Channel)

    I can just imagine the news headlines now... Post-apocalyptic: Forum Built on Hate Harbors Neo-Nazis An ancient Fallout forum full of bitter, longtime fans of Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas has a secret. While many of its users spend most of their time posting about hating Bethesda, one of their...
  4. mannawyadden

    Cain on Games (Tim Cain's YouTube Channel)

    It's pretty rare to see a guy with a rainbow avatar and another guy with a swastika underneath his username happily coexisting on the same forum. Don't think I've ever seen that anywhere else on the internet. As for Tim Cain's videos, I've seen a few so far and they offer some cool insight. I...
  5. mannawyadden

    SpaceWreck - Fallout inspired isometric retro indie RPG

    I've been looking forward to this, congratulations on the release
  6. mannawyadden

    Does anyone else realize how stupid Arthur Maxson being sent East Coast is?

    At least they set their game on the opposite end of the country and didn't directly invalidate any of the events of the previous games. Imagine if Fallout 3 were set on the West Coast but it was otherwise exactly the same, and then Bethesda said that Fallout 1 and 2 are just "Legends" and...
  7. mannawyadden

    Does anyone else realize how stupid Arthur Maxson being sent East Coast is?

    I wasn't trying to be pedantic, I just took you literally and honestly thought it was what you were saying. Your claim seemed like a huge overexaggeration but I see what you meant now. -- Wow, yeah they must've sent the Maxson kid later. It's pretty hard to justify or explain that decision...
  8. mannawyadden

    Most powerful Fallout 3 character

    If you're a fan of Fallout 3 this is a dangerous place for you to be. The franchise was sold to Bethesda; fans of Fallout 1 and 2 were (and are) not happy with their treatment of the franchise, and this is a very old school forum. Don't misunderstand, I have great respect for these veteran fans...
  9. mannawyadden

    Why do people think Fallout 3 was actually good?

    I agree, VATS is not tactical combat, and Borderlands is a better game if the user wants a "gunporn" game. Borderlands doesn't match up to Fallout 3 when it comes to being open-world or having RPG elements such as side quests, dialogue, lore, etc. though. Borderlands was very linear and very...
  10. mannawyadden

    Favorite Fallout 3 Quest

    My favorite Fallout 3 the base game, most of the vanilla quests are around the same level of fun for me. If I had to pick one, it'd be helping those ghouls get into Tenpenny Tower. Some people hate the quest, some claim it has huge moral complexity. I don't think it's all that...
  11. mannawyadden

    Does anyone else realize how stupid Arthur Maxson being sent East Coast is?

    Things Fallout 3 tried to do (yes, they did try, whether or not they succeeded is another matter): Consistent lore building References to the first two games Open world genre Real-time combat First person view Cool environments to explore Optional side-quests with different outcomes So...
  12. mannawyadden

    Your opinion is worthless

    Speaking from personal experience, it can be exhausting and frustrating for a fan when part of the fandom will relentlessly bash certain Fallout games at every opportunity. I used to not understand why they would do it, and I'd wonder why all Fallout fans couldn't just get along and stop with...
  13. mannawyadden

    Some NVIDIA GeForce drivers render Fallout 1 in black & white monochrome

    I'm making this post to help anyone in the present or future who runs into a problem with Fallout 1 or 2 displaying in pixelated black and white or monochrome. Last night I ran into a huge display problem in Fallout 1, on a PC that previously ran it no problem. I use Windows 7 64 bit, NVIDIA...
  14. mannawyadden

    There being more than one species of Super Mutant is stupid

    Risewild just leaked Fallout 5 without so much as a spoiler warning
  15. mannawyadden

    There being more than one species of Super Mutant is stupid

    I was about to write "This is why they won't ever make a Fallout game on a different continent - if they did, they won't be able to come up with a believable excuse to recycle the factions again!", but then I really thought about what Gizmojunk just said and...yeah, even if the game were set on...