Recent content by marco75

  1. M

    Fallout 3 upgrade original to GOTY?

    I played through the original release of FO3. On my last visit to EB, I noticed FO3 GOTY with all the DLC included, so I snapped it up. Do I need to uninstall and reinstall the game from scratch, or can I just install the DLCs on top of my original install? Will I be able to use my...
  2. M

    Mission 11 - Osceolla

    I have a party of six, and I am playing this mission at nighttime. Only farsight has a satisfactory chance to hit, all others have to get way too close to get above 0%. All their weapon skills are above 100%, PE=6 or better, and still they are terrible shots. I have looked at FAQ B (GameFAQs)...
  3. M


    I have been playing this game for 2 weeks now and I'm addicted. But there are a few annoying quirks that hamper my fun: 1) Pathfinding algorithm is pretty stupid; team members refuse to turn corners, try to reach other party members through impassable barriers or try to reach another party...