Recent content by Marinc

  1. Marinc

    Godfather, but i think i should eat an orange, it looks so good you could die.

    Godfather, but i think i should eat an orange, it looks so good you could die.
  2. Marinc

    Watching popcorn and eating a movie

    Watching popcorn and eating a movie
  3. Marinc

    Weather sucks

    Weather sucks
  4. Marinc

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Classic pixelated face avatar 7/10
  5. Marinc

    What games are you looking forward to most?

    I'm really looking forward to Far Cry 5, hoping they don't fk it up, i used to play FC1 wayy back, then FC2 and FC3, took em as simple arcade shooters and enjoyed them. I didn't play primal tho, i dont like the setting Also Mount & blade Bannerlord, played hundreds of hours of Warband
  6. Marinc

    Old games which might/should get remade

    I think Mafia: The city of Lost Heaven because the story and characters are amazing. It's a shame what they did with Mafia 3.
  7. Marinc

    What kind of job(s) did you work in high school?

    Was a forklift operator for 4 months in a car light factory, minimum wage, maximum work, crushed my ankle and was on crutches for a month, boy was it fun to drive a manual car with one leg for 30km in one way to the doctor. Then i worked as a mechanic for 3 months, fixing semi's was good, but i...
  8. Marinc

    Honest Hearts...too trivialized out of the DLC?

    I quite liked Honest Hearts, the scenery gave that wild west feeling, and it added some good crafting options. And "the father in the cave" thing was nice.
  9. Marinc

    The Great Khans: What is your opinion on this faction?

    Great Khans are like a level up from your usual raider gang, and even having their "economy" (with drugs/Crimson caravan deals). I like em.
  10. Marinc

    What Fallout food/drink/chem would you like to try?

    Nuka Cola, also the one with rum in it.
  11. Marinc

    Highwayman trunk thingies

    They look like ammo cases IMO
  12. Marinc

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Currently (re)playing Cultures: Northland. Had a demo on CD and played it back in 2004ish (didn't have a clue what was it about) But now that i know what's actually going on, and it's a really enjoyable game.
  13. Marinc

    What's your favorite moment from New Vegas?

    My favorite moment was the one i had when i realized i could play my NV with 300+ mods without crashing after 5min. But I don't really have a single greatest moment from FNV. Entering the strip, sierra madre ending, Zion, finding the crashed Highwayman, and little experiences (like references or...
  14. Marinc

    "Modern" Fallout

    I think it depends on how it would be pulled off, sure 50's style does make fallout "complete", but i think if the right people did it it'd still be a good game.