Recent content by MasterLuuc

  1. MasterLuuc

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Save Editor - Editing item properties?

    Ok, trying to use F2wedit now, and I set all the right file directories for the files it asked me for, but it's coming up with this error message, and I'm not sure what's denying the access.
  2. MasterLuuc

    "No need for bombs, when hate will do." - Ulysses

    "No need for bombs, when hate will do." - Ulysses
  3. MasterLuuc

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Save Editor - Editing item properties?

    So I was playing FO2 and I found a new set of armour, but I still want to keep the looks of my current character's armour. Is there a way I can use the FSE to either: 1. Edit my armour to have different stats 2. Edit the new armour to look like my armour I only need it to look like my armour...