Recent content by McAwesome

  1. M

    Things we learned from Fallout 3

    348. Jonas can pull a camera out of his ass
  2. M

    Things we learned from Fallout 3

    326- having a 25 in explosives makes a black chick give you free stuff everyday 327- a shot glass weighs a pound, yet 500 rounds weigh nothing 328- a 12 year old can walk all the way to rivet city no problem 329- an assault rifle can take 3 shots before breaking 330- an overglorified...
  3. M

    Question about the Megaton Bomb?

    The reason the Brotherhood hasn't transported the bomb back to the citadel is because they fucking can't. Walk around the capital wasteland. Do you see a car that you can drive or operate? And if you do, does it have tires? no. As many of you have mentioned, it's a large bomb. Well, large bombs...
  4. M

    Tranquility Lane bug (spoilers present!)

    Currently, I'm stuck on the quest "Tranquility Lane" and my current objective is to kill Mrs. Henderson "creatively" I've rigged the chandelier to drop on her and she dies as planned. However, I can't get out of the house. I checked the fallout wiki which mentions the terminal in the kitchen has...
  5. M

    Trouble on the Homefront

    God, this quest sucks. The only reason I went back to complete it was to get the medicine bobblehead that I missed and the achievement. Anyways, I convinced the overseer to open the vault and I was rewarded by being kicked out. Obviously I went back and gave everyone a friendly plasma bolt to...
  6. M

    Isn't FEV a bit dumb?

    A possible explanation for the large amounts of feral ghouls: The city of D.C., being the capital, would have been a prime target for the Chinese forces. It was hit more, resulting in a large dose of radiation and turning a large part of the population into the ghouls we know. Then as time...
  7. M

    Which FO group would you join?

    A group that doesn't shoot me on sight.