Recent content by mikek17

  1. mikek17

    How is Fallout 76 an RPG?

    Of course Fallout 76 is a role-playing game, you play the role of your character, just like in Super Mario you play the role of Mario ;)
  2. mikek17

    Does Fallout 76 have a story?

    I honestly thought I was done with the Fallout series after 4. But I guess I've come back to punch myself in the balls again and suffer through BethSoft apologists. My first question is, sure, there appears to be a """""""story""""""", but is there ANY CHOICE AT ALL in it, like the previous...
  3. mikek17

    most overrated movies?

    The Great Gatsby movie, just read the book instead it's not that long.
  4. mikek17

    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    The gift that JUST KEEPS ON GIVING (I want out of this hell) (wew lad) When you don't know how to insult something so you just call it "boring" and then explain that you found it was "boring" because you just didn't do anything
  5. mikek17

    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    "Fallout 4 actually gives your choices"
  6. mikek17

    Who else here LIKED Fallout 4?

    So, for clarity's sake, do you also consider Fallout 4 in that spin-off head-cannon? Or is your official Fallout like this Main Series: Fallout - > Fallout 2 | Fallout 4 Spin-off: Fallout 3 | Fallout New Vegas
  7. mikek17

    Who else here LIKED Fallout 4?

    What's really bad is how enemies level with you, you can get Legendary Ultra Bandit Killer Whatever ★ with 100 armor and 200 Rad. resist, despite being in what appears to be crappy metal armor
  8. mikek17

    And hide it in a world of seemingly infinite quests of actual substance. I have 220 hours in...

    And hide it in a world of seemingly infinite quests of actual substance. I have 220 hours in FNV and still haven't completed all the quests.
  9. mikek17

    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    I'm just going to use this opportunity about the argument that you had to make a point about something that has really been destructive to criticism of games in the recent years. AND THAT'S THIS FUCKING WORD, "CLUNKY" Don't like story? Clunky. Don't like controls? Clunky. Don't like combat...
  10. mikek17

    Elder Scrolls Six predictions

    Don't give them any ideas...
  11. mikek17

    What do you think of Todd Howard

    He's a smart guy but he's just in it for the money. "There were six of us at the time, right? The studio had gotten that small, and I was in charge of Morrowind, but by that time, once you get to that point, there was this element of no fear. What’s the worst that’s gonna happen? We could go out...
  12. mikek17

    It's again that time of the year ... or Muslim bashing!

    Yup. Tired of US government giving GUNS to rebel groups who join terrorists, it happened with the Mujahideen in Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, Al Quaeda, and now ISIS. Thankfully Donald J Trump said he would put a stop to it if he were president.