Recent content by MKSaibot

  1. MKSaibot

    Fallout 3 Is Better Than You Think - Many A True Nerd

    My profile picture is making fun of Fallout 4. You registered here in 2018. Are you sure you want to sarcastically assume I think Fallout is all about mindless shooting and building settlements because I like Fallout 4 over New Vegas? The RPG elements and authentic Obsidian Fallout lore in New...
  2. MKSaibot

    Fallout 3 Is Better Than You Think - Many A True Nerd

    Black Angel you don't know wtf your talking about (jokes). This is like at least the second time I have had regrets on a post because I didn't give it a lot of thought going in, and acted on impulse. I am saying a Fallout Far Cry with a alter ego BoS faction thrown in a blender with the Enclave...
  3. MKSaibot

    Fallout 3 Is Better Than You Think - Many A True Nerd

    I agree with everything you said, but Fallout 4 is just more fun to play in terms of gameplay. I don't really think 3, NV or 4 are necessarily good Fallout games because I had played Fallout 2 early on. I do not like the engine Fallout 3 or NV uses. I was massively disappointed with Fallout 3...
  4. MKSaibot

    Fallout 3 Is Better Than You Think - Many A True Nerd

    Probably the only person to ever post on nma that actually bought Fallout 2 when it was still on shelves at EB Games, played and loved it, but will tell you they think Fallout 4 is better then NV.
  5. MKSaibot

    Fallout 3 Is Better Than You Think - Many A True Nerd

    Had I not played Fallout 2 way before Fallout was bought by Bethesda, and well before Fallout 3 was released I do wonder how much more or less I would have liked Fallout 3. I will say that had I not played Fallout 2, I can't say for sure that I would have liked New Vegas over 3 by a whole lot...
  6. MKSaibot

    Fallout 76

    Fallout 4 took steps forward, but more steps back then forward. One step is personal preference (a much better BoS in 4 then in 3 imo). The power armor, it was a step forward in 4. The game visually looked good as well. Steps back in RPG department, and I mean the games systems, the gameplay...
  7. MKSaibot

    NMA Podcast #5: Interview with Chris Avellone!

    I cannot remember how or why, but I was hyped for this game back in the day but for some reason never did play.
  8. MKSaibot

    Fallout 4 mods not coming to PS4

    Haha, so honestly the type of mods I'd care to use in my F4 are few and far between right now, and I'm not totally sure how these said mods would work on ps4, but I could be wrong.
  9. MKSaibot

    What BoS division do you speculate is in Boston?

    I don't have enough information yet to say.
  10. MKSaibot

    What BoS division do you speculate is in Boston?

    Thank you for the update, that is intersting, very intersting.
  11. MKSaibot

    What BoS division do you speculate is in Boston?

    I absolutely agree, do not make a new faction of the BoS. Be creative, the Outcast especially with the 2287 date could have really expanded in DC, among a little in other regions possibly. Then you include the Rogue Chicago branch, explain that airship, and have the best of both worlds. The...
  12. MKSaibot

    What BoS division do you speculate is in Boston?

    It is doubtfully Midwest, but I think it is just as equally doubtful that it is Lyon's. The BoS insignia's you see in Fallout 3 are actually consistent, and their is two of them. Its known to some that you see both variations of the BoS insignia's throughout Fallout 3, however they are...
  13. MKSaibot

    What BoS division do you speculate is in Boston?

    Well I guess, but the fact it was just pointed out that they recruit outsiders tells me that it is a thing of theirs. Like they might be trying to expand across the region like the midwest did in tactics. They recruited everyone and anything intelligent enough.
  14. MKSaibot

    What BoS division do you speculate is in Boston?

    Signs of Midwest
  15. MKSaibot

    Full perk list:

    That is correct