Recent content by Neamos

  1. N

    Guilty Pleasure (sucky music thread) Actually I like everything by him. Feels good. I also cry myself to sleep every night. Coincidence?!
  2. N

    Another "Fair and Balanced" video

    Okay, right. It's still a bad analogy, because the Iraq war didn't lead to anything considerably good, nor will the Iran war.North Korea, well I dunno. Good call. Still, diplomacy over wasteful and pointless war.
  3. N

    Another "Fair and Balanced" video

    Is that a Godwin? Are you fucking comparing North Korea to Nazi Germany? Are you saying in wars one side is clearly evil? Hyperbole? No, they (probably) don't, but the innocents are the ones suffering the most, and the US is to blame. [No, I don't know why the suicide bombers blow up...
  4. N

    Another "Fair and Balanced" video

    My delusional? Yes, actually, I think that, because North Korea has no actual use for those nukes, and traded its nuclear program for other kind of fuel and and no, those evil gooks don't want to nuke or invade your back yard, or California. And it's not your Armed Forces stopping them, it's...
  5. N

    Another "Fair and Balanced" video

    No, diplomacy stopped North Korean nuclear development and hopefully Obama will peacefully stop Iran from developing nukes. The only thing you should thank your Armed Forces is for killing evil freedom hatin' terrists. Like them! (Because Iraq didn't have WMDs!)
  6. N

    Another "Fair and Balanced" video

    No one wants to nuke your backyard. Or can. The Iraq war didn't, uh, make America peaceful, or whatever. And the Iran war won't. You should really put 'Fuck you, I got mine' in your signature
  7. N

    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    Did in the Gameplay video the guy say that they removed potions in favor of some kind of orbs?
  8. N

    Another "Fair and Balanced" video

    I hope this isn't too offtopic or political, but this is a must read list for every American voter. Please, please don't start bombing everyone that looks at you the wrong way, you militaristic trigger-happy baboons. Compiled by your friendly social-democrat circlejerk of SomethingAwful.
  9. N

    Industrial pork production and pollution

    No, but not destroying the environment with extremely toxic waste would be pretty cool. No one's arguing that they should smell like happiness, but not murdering nearby townsfolk is pretty important. Also, smell is not the main point of the article. You see what monopolies are...
  10. N

    Industrial pork production and pollution

    Yeah, but we've (Eastern Europe) also got corruption and greedy bureaucrats...
  11. N

    Industrial pork production and pollution

    The link This is very long, but there's nothing to cut. It's just so horrible. Summary: corporation raises hogs. Destroys the environment of North Carolina. Not regulated at all. Wants to expand to Europe. USA! USA! USA! Yay! Fuck every person in favour of unregulated free trade. Fuck...
  12. N

    Cali on same-sex marriage

    Hmmm yes why are liberal people voting for an actor, especially since he's a Republican. Also didn't America learn anything about electing actors?
  13. N

    Cali on same-sex marriage

    Uhm? What?! Buttsex owns. We have a prostate for a reason, you know! On topic, was the news that Ahhnold veto'd the proposal to ban same-sex marriage posted? He's probably the best republican ever, he doesn't let his opinion get in the way of law and equality. Off topic, why does a...
  14. N

    Cali on same-sex marriage

    You are a gigantic retard, hope this helps.
  15. N

    FireFox 3.0 Download Day

    What? Damn. I think I'll download it and just let it sit there until new versions of all my favourite add-ons come out.