Hubologists, aliens, Nuka-Cola Vaults and Power Armor, Water Guns, Bioshock Vendors, Robots talking trash, more settlement chairs, a commine whacker, "Splattercannon", and costumes.
Exactly what Fallout 4 was missing.
Good, what Fallout needed was more aliens to shoot at!
Also those sandworms are like the graboids from the Wild West Tremors movie lol
The sprites for the ghouls gave the impression that they were zombie like in appearance (favorite sprite from fallout)
Admittedly the Super-mutant sprites give the impression that they are like...
The first two fallout games had to deal with stuff that would happen in a Sci-fi post-apo setting. Fallout 1 dealt with Humans-Ghouls-Supermutants all thinking they were the best as they were struggling to survive.
Fallout 2 had to deal with politics such as Gecko-Vault City and Reno and Redding...
- Low INT Vault Dweller coming into someone's house in the Hub and randomly saying that to the owner. (been a long time so I don't know if that's actually what's said)
Also "Well nommy nommy nya nya" at 0:08
Fascism actually had a lot of welfare programs, heck Nazi Germany was one of the biggest welfare nations in existence like people were getting lots of eggs from conquered Ukraine when a couple of years before if someone got their shirt ruined they were almost economically ruined. Admittedly they...