Recent content by Neane93

  1. Neane93

    Leaked Nuka World Pics

    Wat's stopping someone from hosting it for console users.
  2. Neane93

    Leaked Nuka World Pics

    Hubologists, aliens, Nuka-Cola Vaults and Power Armor, Water Guns, Bioshock Vendors, Robots talking trash, more settlement chairs, a commine whacker, "Splattercannon", and costumes. Exactly what Fallout 4 was missing.
  3. Neane93

    Official Nuka World Trailer Released

    Lower than even forcing ur settlers to fight to the death with deathclaws?
  4. Neane93

    Official Nuka World Trailer Released

    Good, what Fallout needed was more aliens to shoot at! Also those sandworms are like the graboids from the Wild West Tremors movie lol
  5. Neane93


    Someone made one in the Fallout Modding part under Talking Heads.
  6. Neane93

    Why do Super Mutants, Ghouls, and Humans look better in Fallout 1 than Fallout 4?

    The sprites for the ghouls gave the impression that they were zombie like in appearance (favorite sprite from fallout) Admittedly the Super-mutant sprites give the impression that they are like...
  7. Neane93

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    The first two fallout games had to deal with stuff that would happen in a Sci-fi post-apo setting. Fallout 1 dealt with Humans-Ghouls-Supermutants all thinking they were the best as they were struggling to survive. Fallout 2 had to deal with politics such as Gecko-Vault City and Reno and Redding...
  8. Neane93

    Why do Super Mutants, Ghouls, and Humans look better in Fallout 1 than Fallout 4?

    Since we're talking about the old games vs new games I kinda like the lizard design that the deathclaws had in the older ones
  9. Neane93

    Things we learned from Fallout 4

    411: 21st Century USA uses gun designs from WW2 and WW1 (and last ditch guns from WW2 I must add)
  10. Neane93

    Vault Tec Workshop

    wow, such new items
  11. Neane93

    Shouldn't the ghouls also fear radiation?

    ^ There were crazies in fallout 2. You would find them near Gecko.
  12. Neane93

    A new Fallout game? Fallout 1.5: Resurrection's english version is out!

    What is it, need to be sure I'm not missing Empire quests.
  13. Neane93

    What are your favorite fallout quotes?

    "COOKIE" - Low INT Vault Dweller coming into someone's house in the Hub and randomly saying that to the owner. (been a long time so I don't know if that's actually what's said) Also "Well nommy nommy nya nya" at 0:08
  14. Neane93

    Opinions on Communism

    Fascism actually had a lot of welfare programs, heck Nazi Germany was one of the biggest welfare nations in existence like people were getting lots of eggs from conquered Ukraine when a couple of years before if someone got their shirt ruined they were almost economically ruined. Admittedly they...