Definitely. I guess I could of said first wave black metal, instead of just black metal. NWoBHM is right up there as well.
Celtic Frost, Motorhead, and Tank are my holy musical trinity.
I am very familiar with DSBM. This isn't DSBM though.
Black metal is my favorite type of music, Nocturnal Depression is like the only DSBM band I like though.
Fallout 1 has the best atmosphere and the best story line. Hands down.
If you like the game play or not, it is still a perfect video game.
For any fan of Fallout should play though Fallout 1 and see where it all began.
I don't think Bethesda will fuck up Elder Scrolls 6. They care about the Elder Scrolls, but they see the Fallout series as a means of making money.
Or at least, that is the way it seems...