Recent content by necrosis

  1. necrosis

    Rate the above song and post your own.
  2. necrosis

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    Interesting. What genre is that?
  3. necrosis

    Which One Of These Games Had A Worse Impact On The Franchise?

    3. That is when Bethesda took over, in one way or another.
  4. necrosis

    The Outer Worlds - Early Impressions

    I've done runs of Fallout: New Vegas shorter than 25 hours.
  5. necrosis

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Thank you. Enjoying the forums thusfar.
  6. necrosis

    Best/Worst Album Covers.

    Definitely. I guess I could of said first wave black metal, instead of just black metal. NWoBHM is right up there as well. Celtic Frost, Motorhead, and Tank are my holy musical trinity.
  7. necrosis

    Best/Worst Album Covers.

    I don't think so. Only way to explain it is to watch his YouTube videos as well...
  8. necrosis

    Best/Worst Album Covers.

    I am very familiar with DSBM. This isn't DSBM though. Black metal is my favorite type of music, Nocturnal Depression is like the only DSBM band I like though.
  9. necrosis

    Fallout 76 now has $10 monthly and $100 annual subscription

    Skyrim was boring. I liked Oblivion a lot though, but the crowning jewel of the Elder Scrolls is Morrowind or Daggerfall.
  10. necrosis

    A thought about Euclide-C Finder

    It is even the small things like that in New Vegas that make it vastly superior to the Bethesda games.
  11. necrosis

    Bethesda giving away 1/2/Tactics to Fallout 76 players

    No. Wrong. Fallout 1 has the best atmosphere and the best story line. Hands down. If you like the game play or not, it is still a perfect video game. For any fan of Fallout should play though Fallout 1 and see where it all began.
  12. necrosis

    Brotherhood of Steel lore

    A good indication if the Fallout game will rule or not, is if the Brotherhood of Steel is a major faction or not.
  13. necrosis

    Fallout 76 now has $10 monthly and $100 annual subscription

    I don't think Bethesda will fuck up Elder Scrolls 6. They care about the Elder Scrolls, but they see the Fallout series as a means of making money. Or at least, that is the way it seems...