Perhaps just a trigger checking Nicole is alive would be enough as you say. Laura, seems to get blown up in the cathedral lol, there is no way to warn her to leave which is kind of funny. Would be nice to be able to warn her and have her leave to the library map but that would take some coding...
Can't seem to find the person who gives out the quest to route out the spy in the followers place (heather), I can find heather who was added back in by the Fixit patch.
Problem is I can't solve the quest to get the good ending for the followers. I'm probably just blind, but I'm pretty sure...
Works like a treat, only nice additions would be to be able to switch through followers when trading with followers so you can change every party members inventory by starting to trade with just one of them if that makes sense?
This is in Dekers underground area of the Hub, some of his guards seem to drop leather armour which is either an old bug or something Fixit introduced?
Probably out of date then to be there as I've not redownloaded scripts recently. Also notice the woman who runs the crash house decides to go for a walk off the edge of the map. She never comes back! lol apparently she doesn't like running the crash house and quits. Anyway kind of annoying...
Ok so reinstalled all the data and Protos and still no good, weird thing is in the mapper if I press F8 and make it test the map then Ian works correctly, as in he is not an 'it' and I can trade with him, also he has the correct stats i.e. 200 carry weight and best start skill is unarmed.
Is there a reason why it says when I try to trade with Ian that 'This critter can't carry anything' I also can't steal from him or use stims on him either...
Is it an installation error at my end again?
Just to note Tycho also is a 'she' seems like all the part member details don't match the...
Oh sorry I missed the bit about only 'heads' from the art bit, that probably explains the other errors I have been having! My bad!!
Followers work now and so does the container buttons. The default settings of followers still seem to be wrong but that seems to be a bit of a mirror bug.
I definitely had too many conflicts, the game was lagging also. I sort of just chucked the Fallout1Port under the fallout 2 directly which is a bad idea I think. I only took the data/art and data/sound this time also which probably helped also.
Did a clean reinstall and it works now, though I...
This is what it looks like. The game crashes very quickly after this point.
Wierdly enough if I run the mapper and then make it put me in the game then everything works correctly.