Recent content by Octavian

  1. O

    Ideas for new Fallout threats

    I'm not sure how I feel about the second half of the idea but the first half is a great concept. I think asking the question of "is moden civilization truly worth having" and "is the trend towards more complex societies that lead us to nuclear war in the first place truly progress?" is something...
  2. O

    Ideas for new Fallout threats

    I think the series could try an emotionally motivated main antagonist, except unlike ulysess one not necessarily related to the player character. Most of the fallout villains (master, enclave, the various factions in NV and 4) have had so far are generally rationalists, who always have some sort...
  3. O

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    If those two wrote the companions and part of the legion route I have more mixed feelings than I thought. I really did enjoy the robot dude and the legion version of prodigal station. A lot of people said the writing was bad because it had scripters instead of writers. This just shows that the...
  4. O

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    I think most of the critiques you have posted about the frontier have been on point, but I can't agree with this. The mod is not lore friendly, but the northern legion is explicitly written to be different from caesar's legion for a reason. The distance gives valerius a degree of autonomy. You...
  5. O

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    You can call valerius out on his shit if you side with rancor. The dialogue and questing suggests a 3 way conflict between his loyalty to caesar, pragmatism and forwardthinkingness, and own personal ends (another example of this is him protecting his in law). Blackthorne, no, unfortunately, as...
  6. O

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    Gun jamming is just antifun in any game it's in. There are plenty of other stats that can be effected.
  7. O

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    I didn't play it, but based on my interactions with them as a legion route character, a couple of the characters come off very much as donutsteel OCs, with very strange polarizing character designs that look like anime characters. The personalities were a but strange/quirky too and not really as...
  8. O

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    Am I the only one that thought this mod was kinda good? Calling it lore friendly and stuff was fake news but I played the legion route and thought it was very well done after the very beginning. Good deal of depth to the characters and moral greys. It's not linear like the very start of the mod...
  9. O

    What weapons would you guys like to see in F5?

    I thought it was strange how they were mixed with unlabeled weapons. The mix of common and proper nouns doesn't sit right with me. It seemed strange to have a gun just called "assault rifle" or "hunting rifle" and named guns like the FAL and M60. They should either commit to making every gun...
  10. O

    What weapons would you guys like to see in F5?

    There's already an energy shotgun and smg. The energy shotguns are the tri-beam laser and multiplas rifle. The energy smg is the laser RCW.
  11. O

    Static Checks vs Dice Rolls

    Although I respect your opinion, I think this argument is a bit flawed. Lets say a new RPG releases tomorrow. In this hypothetical RPG, the devs don't make it clear to the playerbase whether skill checks are rolls or static. There is no number or % chance of succeeding next to any of the...
  12. O

    Static Checks vs Dice Rolls

    If you're a tabletop purist who just prefers rolls, thats understandable. However, I do think that a lot of criticisms of static checks in new vegas are missing the forest for the trees. New Vegas had issues as a result of static checks, but these issues were more representative of failures to...
  13. O

    Outer World's Obligatory Bad News

    There are reasons to be worried about the game but the evidence in the OP isn't one. You guys have to realize that they have to appeal to bethesda fallout players/kids in marketing or else their game wont sell.
  14. O

    Wasteland 3 - The return of beloved Scotchmo and release 2020

    I feel like the intent is to have it mimic a real conversation, with no subtitles (the only text being your dialogue choices, not their responses). However, the words have to be there just in case you mishear something, and to design around people who play deaf or without volume.
  15. O

    So Fallout 76 is a Battle Royale Now

    Lol, I'm at a loss for words. Didn't we crack jokes about this not too long ago?