Thank you @Cambragol for your dedication to this translation, looking forward to playing it when I have the time, for some reason I always skipped out on Sonora but I'll give it a try!!
I watched Quantum's videos on the matter and I will be sure to rewatch them a thousand times over, I know the basics like what to download and how to mess with things on the map editor but I am curious, what resources or directions should I look out for if I wish to get serious in the Fallout 2...
Thank you for not mindlessly bashing stuff and actually having thought, don't know how you feel about 3 overall but if you don't like it you are one of the rare few that actually cares to give it deeper thought, I feel like if more people thought like you do there would be more intelligent...
Definitely, I very much like the idea of fallout 3, and I do love it dearly, but if it was more cohesive and cared for worldbuilding stuff like having a caravan protection questline or as you say some Fallout New Vegas worldbuilding it'd be much better. There is indeed worldbuilding, the...
It'd be better than Bethesda, but perhaps not the direction I'd want the series to go. If the character sheet is good then I'll drool but it'd need to fit the tone and thesis of Fallout and not try to change thematics or art direction like Bethesda.
You best not be confusing what is "unexplained" for a retcon. Only one out of the lot that "Shat all over the remaining lore" (As if modern bethesda has done so much irreparable damage to the series' universe that you use terms like "remaining") is the moving of Shady Sands, which is fair, but...