Recent content by OGHorrigan2161

  1. OGHorrigan2161

    So if Caesar had won, what would happen next?

    It did. I'm pretty sure Ulysses alluded to that in lonesome road.
  2. OGHorrigan2161

    So if Caesar had won, what would happen next?

    Just look at history, Hitler drove east and made a good push and got wrecked by the soviets on their ground. I believe (which many in this thread have greatly explained in detail) with everything the NCR has at home he's honestly fucked. An endless Germania to his west is my conclusion.
  3. OGHorrigan2161

    Y'all ready for Fallout 3: Remastered?

    IF Bethesda isn't fucked over (especially now with all the Xbox BS going on) it may be good. Hell maybe they scrapped all the companies for this or TES which is fucked but the state of gaming as is now I don't think it really needs one. we have the BC on Xbox & steam. Either way if the leaks are...
  4. OGHorrigan2161

    What happened to the Lone Wanderer after Fallout 3?

    Homie left after Arthur kicked him out most likely cause if the goodie two shoes route he wouldnt want that in his BOS, which sucks because TLW would make a good high ranking officer. My head canon is he left for the Pitt to rule with Ashur or is in space fucking over the empire :P
  5. OGHorrigan2161

    Fucking about in New Vegas probably

    Fucking about in New Vegas probably
  6. OGHorrigan2161

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    Played New Vegas back in I think 2012-13 on my brothers PS3 in middle school. I loved it from the first playthrough and sided with House. After that ended up buying Fallout 3 and NV on my PC, those were the only games i had until i got an XBONE and re bought them on Xbox (i was in high school...
  7. OGHorrigan2161

    Unpopular Opinion on Fallout 4 & 76's Power Armor

    I gotta agree with you there guys. adding on I didn’t like the fusion core mechanic either cause the power core is supposed to last practically forever but I understand due to balancing. gun degradation wasn’t that big of a deal it could be annoying when you wouldn’t find other parts but still...
  8. OGHorrigan2161

    Fresh out of the ruins of Raven Rock

    Fresh out of the ruins of Raven Rock