Recent content by outofthegamer

  1. O

    Three Dog needed to die.

    Really!? Are you serious? That seems weird, but I will have to try it out. Thanks for the quick response!
  2. O

    Three Dog needed to die.

    I am just getting back into FO3 after 3 years of not even owning the game, and was wondering: does killing three dog even affect what you hear on GNR? Like, does the radio station stop existing, or does it keep playing music without a DJ? Or does three dog continue to DJ for GNR from beyond the...
  3. O

    Isn't the Sierra Madre supposed to be open for exploring?

    Is there a good reason for going back there? I was happy when it was over, and didn't want to ever go back.
  4. O

    Fallout NV Reactivity and The Vault (wiki) Question.

    Riiiight.... I guess we can just make up rediculous crap to prove a point, now? Ok, my turn. New Vegas causes cancer and Skyrim cures cancer. Sounds pretty stupid when you make shit up, huh?
  5. O

    Fallout NV Reactivity and The Vault (wiki) Question.

    Keep in mind that the Stormcloaks and Imperials in Skyrim differ in only 1 small detail: one worships Talos and the other outlaws the worshipping of Talos. So when one side conquers a town ruled by the other group, the only difference is the banning or allowing of worshipping Talos. Most...
  6. O

    favorite DLC apperal

    The Assassin Suit from Dead Money or Elite Riot Gear.
  7. O

    Your "WTF" moments in NV playthroughs

    Walk up to the Cap Counterfitter's Shack - no enemies in sight/no red ticks on radar -- go inside for a minute to loot the place, come out.... Bam! swarmed by cazadores!! died like 5 times before I decided to reload a previous save and go hunting for the cazadores BEFORE entering the shack...
  8. O

    Things we learned from New Vegas

    102. The people of 2281 have Plasma Rifles, Stealth field generators, and verti-birds.... but no cars, motorcycles, bicycles, or even a horse!
  9. O

    FO3/NV way too easy?

    You're right. The sky is too blue. Fire is too hot. water is too wet. easy game is too easy. gripe, gripe, gripe.
  10. O

    FO3/NV way too easy?

    Wow, a gamer that is hard to please! never saw that before :crazy: Let me put it to you another way. You like RPGs? ok. me too. I also like castlevania games, but when I play one that is too easy, I don't complain about it. I have 2 choices: 1. stop playing it 2. set up self-imposed...
  11. O

    FO3/NV way too easy?

    Well, you are obviously playing the wrong game for your taste in video games. It's obvious that the gameplay of this game was NOT designed to make it so that you die the first 3 times you attempt a difficult mission; or that you should barely survive a trip across the mojave. Go play Halo 3...
  12. O

    FO3/NV way too easy?

    Then play another game. If you don't want to use self-imposed challenges or mods that make the game harder, then you are playing the wrong game, and playing it for the wrong reason. complaining about a game that can not be re-programmed, is just wasting time that you could be using to...
  13. O

    FO3/NV way too easy?

    Just like any other game, if it's too easy for you, set self-imposed limitations on your character. For example, wearing no armor is a very common self-imposed limitation for any game that lets your wear armor. Or do an unarmed run. I don't mean, using power fists and spiked knuckles; I mean...
  14. O

    Lonesome Road Talk (obviously spoilers)

    There really should've been a conversation option with Ulysses, where he asks you where your loyalty lies. Would that just make too much sense?