Could you clarify exactly what game engine bugs you're experiencing. Only serious one I'm aware of is problem with saves done during combat that can be avoided by never saving during combat and it's original engine bug, not something Killap's RP/UOP introduces, nor has anyone found a way to fix...
Killap, you workaholic you :naughty: , aren't you supposed to be resting or something :wink: :P :mrgreen: . What are we gona do if you come back like this :tired: . Doctors orders: more this :zzz: and less this :postviper: . That also means no this :dance: or this :drunk: . Rest of us...
Here's couple screenshots about the rock in question. If you aren't seeing it, there's something wrong with your installation. Could you provide more information about your installation (installation size and location, did you install RP manually or using installer) and system (OS, 32/64-bit)?
Not so far no. It would most likely require changes in save game format, difficult feat I would assum to acomplish thru hacking the .exe.
Oh and if you're using Killap's Unofficial patch or Restoration project then you're using sfall as both include and need it to function.
I would suggest...
There is simple fix: Do not save during combat! :P
from sfall.ini:
;Prevents you from saving in combat except at the start of your turn to avoid a few bugs
;Note that even with this option enabled, it is still not advisable to save in combat at all.
Could you provide more information about your system (OS, 32/64-bit) and installation (where you installed the game and what installation size).
You could try updating DirectX (Web installer / full installer). And no just having DirectX 9c/10/11 does not mean your libraries are up to date.
Won't work even if he can get it extracted (7zip would do the trick) as both Killap's Unofficial Patch and Restoration Project use Timeslip's Sfall that needs latest version of DirectX 9c. Neither mod will work without sfall and even if he could get the game to run without it many things would...
What you see as design decision I see as flawed/rushed AI design due to too little developent time or lack of AI programmer skill.
Let's face, FO1/2 AI is exremely generic and simplistic. All the critters pretty much seem to use the same AI routines and only difference in tactics comes from...
I find it hardly realistic or amusing that NPC's that seem quite intelligent in conversation act all psychotic and dump as rock in combat. The behavior is not that big of a problem with many of the hostile NPC's as half of what you encounter are savages, raiders, animals/creatures/monsters or...
Ok, that at least eliminates the possibility of old files causing conflict in your case. :) Unfortunately that also mean that the problems can't be solved without Killap unless someone else cares to go thru and fix Kaga related files. :|
Apparently you have to have fresh install. Don't try install it over RP 1.2 and remember, RP already has Unofficial patch integrated to it so you do not need to install it when you install RP (you may end up breaking something otherwise). You should also install Fallout 2 outside of program...