Decided to replay Fallout yesterday, checked to see if there were any new unofficial patches, and found this. Thanks for all the hard work, glad to see my favorite series is still getting the attention it deserves.
An update on the 590A1, after stripping and cleaning it I noticed a big ring of rust in the chamber and a bad gouge deep in the barrel. Two hours with a copper brush and the surface rust is gone, but a nasty ring of pitting remains.
Called up support, sent some pictures, and Friday I received...
UW's shotguns motivated me to go back to my original quest of getting a good 12g pump (which originally ended up with me getting an SKS, three handguns, an AR, and finally a garand).
Yesterday I hit up a gun store sale and left with this monster ($528 after tax+nics).
Receiver closeup...
I've played through both, and enjoyed them. It starts slow, but after you leave the first area the story picks up nicely. Travel is actually quick if you run (double click where you want to go), and as long as you thoroughly scope out each area you won't find yourself backtracking much at all...
Go ask a few holocaust survivors how much the United States and Germany are alike. We get it, you're still trying to move past that six million, and have overcompensated and become ultra leftist progressives.
You cannot draw a direct comparison with any European country and the United...
Go into your power settings and create a custom profile that doesn't put your PC into standby when not in use. Now go into the device manager, check your network adapter (probably under advanced settings, it differs depending on NIC) and make sure there isn't any option enabled letting it go to...
They did taze him, and then he charged the officer. After that, all bets were off and they magdumped him. Cops no longer take any chances with situations like that, as shit happens fast and one or more parties are going to end up injured/dead, and if f you think they were obligated to try and...
When do we (as a country) stop making excuses for violent, subhuman behavior and demand personal accountability? We aren't talking about crimes of desperation, stealing a loaf of bread to feed your starving children. We have safety nets in place so that shit like that doesn't happen, and with a...
Lets be honest, the widespread violent crimes committed against blacks are committed by other blacks, and much like the black-on-white crimes, are largely ignored by the media. A Tyrone can murder a Tyreese and nobody gives a fuck, but if a George kills a Trayvon in self defense, it's a race...
For non-violent crimes (stealing cars, robbing unoccupied homes), a very small percent. For violent crimes (armed robbery, assault, rape, murder), an extremely high percent.
Plenty of cases here with enraged blacks brutally murdering whites for no apparent reason. You're going to have a hard...
The fact that this thread still exists and merely had the title changed while the other was immediately vatted speaks for itself.
When whites are brutally murdered and race is clearly the motive, it isn't news and it's racist to discuss it. When blacks are killed by whites regardless of...
Needed a pocket gun for "gun free zones" (Private property, not Federal), and couldn't find a 9 that offered adequate reliability while still remaining pocket-sized, so I settled for an LCR 38.
Not particularly impressed with it, as I'm neither a Ruger nor a wheelgun fan (and for a gun...
Dumping more money into public education doesn't fix the problem that the majority of black students just have no interest in learning. You can keep throwing money at the problem, but as you can see that doesn't really change anything.
So you're an advocate of having the middle class foot...
Current black living conditions are more a symptom of white flight (See: Detroit) than discrimination. When blacks move into an area and crime rates soar, obviously whites who can afford to are going to just pack up and leave. Once the whites leave, everything collapses and the blacks are left...