Could someone please give me the procedure or command to resurrect npc's who go missing or dead?
Walters disappeared on me so I can't sell any scrap metal at Megaton.
I don't know if he fell off the side or is just stuck somewhere, but I can't find him even after I relaunch the game...
I was wondering if anyone else is having this problem?
I read through many of the crash posts to see if any match my problem but I couldn't seem to find any similarities, so I apologize if I missed one and are repeating a previous post.
Anytime I try to fast travel to any of the...
I was wondering if there is anyway to get Charon to use any other firearm other than his default combat shotgun?
I tried giving him the chinese assault rifle but he doesn't seem to want to equip it.
He upgrades any armor I give him, so that's not a problem.
I just thought there would...