Recent content by Plissken

  1. P

    Eurogamer reviews Lonesome Road

    I haven't touched New Vegas after I finished it. What DLC does Ulysses appear? Also, what DLC's are worth playing (subjective, I know) and should they be played in order for story?
  2. P

    Audio Screech/Lag

    I was wondering if anyone was experiencing audio screech/lag during play. What ends up happening is randomly, I'll start to heart this screeching noise gradually get louder, and then it stops. After that, all sound in the game starts to lag. When I exit the game, the program will not exit and...
  3. P

    Is Diagonal Walking Animation and Moonwalking fixed at last?

    It should also be noted that one improvement in animations is that SOMETIMES when enemies are shot, they have an animation for it, compared to F3's lack of "hurting" animation.
  4. P

    Perception or Agility?

    I hope that's how it's programmed. Game design wise, that makes absolutely no sense at all.
  5. P

    Is Diagonal Walking Animation and Moonwalking fixed at last?

    Diagonal walking not fixed. That was the first thing I checked. He just walks straight and moves diagonal. Frankly, I don't see how animations have gotten better. Faces are like they've been injected with botox, just like F3.
  6. P

    Perception or Agility?

    Ok, normally in F1/2 perception is useful for shooting weapons. When I was making a character in New Vegas, it says (non-specifically) that perception is important for guns. But in the pipboy, SPECIAL section, it says that Perception is important for energy weapons and Agility is important for...
  7. P

    Fallout: New Vegas Canard PC first impressions

    Start a new character, pump all your points into Intelligence and Agility, skill points into speech. Head to the military base, run from Set, set the explosion timer. Head to the cathedral, don a purple cloak, head down to the nuclear bomb, activate it, run out. Should be able to finish it in...
  8. P

    Fallout: New Vegas released in North America

    Brother None, you getting this immediately? IIRC when Fallout 3 came out you waited some time or were waiting to receive a copy. But yeah, that Steam thing is pretty screwed up. I would expect people who purchased the CD to be able to play right away.
  9. P

    Fallout: New Vegas released in North America

    That's extremely odd. What's the point of buying a physical CD if you have to activate through Steam? I wonder what the publishing/devs were thinking.
  10. P

    Fallout: New Vegas released in North America Fallout: NV installed through Steam even if you have the CD? Why do you guys have to wait 2 hours?
  11. P

    3 months, 3 weeks, and 3 hours....

    I wonder if there will be demo booth at PAX. I'll be attending for Friday only. If there is I can do a small preview writeup. I want to go to Quakecon 2010... :( I'll be in summer school though and TX is a long ways from Seattle. I went in 2004 and it was fun.
  12. P

    Fallout Online concept art and more

    EVE Online has forced PVP in probably....85% of the solar systems in the galaxy. Seems to be doing a good job.
  13. P

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat released in the US today

    I really liked the first STALKER. Clear Sky...what a POS. Even after modding the game was still a POS. I hope Pripyat takes nothing from Clear Sky.
  14. P


    Saw this article and just reminded me of the wacky encounters you sometimes come across in Fallout. Strange that we have something just as wacky in real life.
  15. P

    The Book of Eli An action movie. Seems to capture PA nicely. Love Oldman and Denzel...and Kunis.