Recent content by Porker

  1. P

    First time playing fallout 1- few questions.

    If i find the waterchip within the 150 days and complete that the time limit then removed and you're left with freedom to do all the side-quests? Or is there another time limit added(i mentioned necropolis which i heard gets destroyed after awhile)?
  2. P

    First time playing fallout 1- few questions.

    I meant it more in the sense of choosing the wrong skills or putting way too much points into useless skills.
  3. P

    First time playing fallout 1- few questions.

    I'm just starting fallout 1 and being an obsessive "explorer" i'd like to do as many of the quests as i could. Since the main waterchip quest has a timer should i just get over with it as soon as possible? Or do i have enough time to explore other cities and quests? Any other time oriented...
  4. P

    Unable to finish "Head of State" quest

    Its not the appearing thats my problem..they did appear near the metro after awhile. However i cant finish the mission..all i can say to hannibal is "stay not done yet"..and they just stay there...ive waited like 5 days..resurrected leroy again..doesnt help.
  5. P

    Unable to finish "Head of State" quest

    Yeah..leroy and everyone else is dead...i actualy waited 5 days cause originaly hannibal just came to the metro station..and then left after waiting hes back..but i still cant do jack besides tell him "stay here"...guess i gotta search for a command then..too bad.
  6. P

    Unable to finish "Head of State" quest

    So i killed all the slavers..went to hannibal and told him to go into the memorial...had to wait a bit but they arrived..the peoblem is all i can tell hannibal is "stay here..i aint finished yet"...i tried using the console to resurrect the slavers and rekilling i boned?..cause...
  7. P

    Impressions thread for positive impressions

    Gametrailers tends to have silly console arguments and whatnot..but it really isn't that bad of a place. So you take a few examples of someone having fun with the game on youtube..and name the general gaming community "low attention span illiterate morons" granted alot of these people are just...
  8. P

    Impressions thread for positive impressions after reading this forum (and the collection of fallout 3 threads) i decided to just give my input. This really isn't important enough to post a new thread so i'll just do it here..although i am not trying to "praise" Fallout 3. Now i have never played Fallout and Fallout 3...