Recent content by PossibleCabbage

  1. PossibleCabbage

    Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear, any opinions?

    Here is the creator of "Forgotten Realms" (Ed Greenwood) on this:
  2. PossibleCabbage

    Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear, any opinions?

    Games are inherently political, they reflect the beliefs of the people who are making them. - SimCity has specific (and very American) notions about people's tolerance for taxation. - Call of Duty has specific (and very American) notions about the role of the military. - Tom Clancy games have a...
  3. PossibleCabbage

    Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear, any opinions?

    Nah, "review bombing" isn't really the Anime Stalinist's style. There's a woman who can be blamed for this (Amber Scott, who's written some really good stuff for Pathfinder, in particularly the most interesting take on the nature of "Good" that a D20 game has probably seen.) All the people...
  4. PossibleCabbage

    Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear, any opinions?

    I really liked it what I've seen so far from it (I'm not done, but I put in time over the weekend.) It's glitchy and a little simplistic at points, but it's good to see the old Infinity Engine in use again. Most of those bad reviews are from people whose politics are incompatible with that of...
  5. PossibleCabbage

    Are the Originals... Overrated?

    I think most games conventionally termed "walking simulators" are a lot more interesting than Fallout 4. Since they give you time and space to notice and think about things, whereas Fallout 4 is throwing another asshole or mutated animal at you to murder about every 25 seconds. I mean...
  6. PossibleCabbage

    Are the Originals... Overrated?

    I reject the notion of "overrated" and "underrated." Simply because, ontologically those terms imply that there is a "correct" rating of a work of fiction (that the general perception of which deviates from) and that's frankly nonsense. I think what we see though is that people who adore your...
  7. PossibleCabbage

    Fallout 4 or huge steaming colossal horse turd

    I need a clarification then. I assumed "can only play Fallout 4" referred to a limitation on the software that the computer can execute, but that it would still have all the other properties of a personal computer so that I could still, say, use it as a boat anchor, a paperweight, to prop up...
  8. PossibleCabbage

    Fallout 4 or huge steaming colossal horse turd

    I'm mostly considering the PC as a source of white noise (from the fan) and as a space heater in the winter.
  9. PossibleCabbage

    Pete Hines explains what Bethesda's idea of a RPG is

    I think at all points in human history the creative works that are looked back in retrospect as the best of its kind in its era were generally not the ones that were also most popular in their times. Most people are just interested in something pleasant and diverting, and sometimes the really...
  10. PossibleCabbage

    Couldn't the Master's Plan Still Work?

    Also, isn't your only source for intelligent super-mutants "people who grew up in vaults" which are also an extremely limited resource? People who grew up in the wasteland suffered radiation damage that lead to them becoming "dumb-dumbs". A whole society of enormously strong brutes with the...
  11. PossibleCabbage

    Tyranny Discussion Thread

    I don't know, I think the central premise of the game is "even if 'Evil' is better suited to winning the war, they're not exactly the best qualified to run things in peacetime." I think a lot of the tension in the game will be about choosing between the "Evil" thing to do and what, most...
  12. PossibleCabbage

    What is your top 3 favourite game studios?

    Obsidian/Black Isle, Bioware, and Double Fine/LucasArts. Simply put, these folks are responsible for some of my favorite games of all time.
  13. PossibleCabbage

    Directors cut editions of Fallout 3 and New Vegas for the new Fallout 4 engine?

    Ugh, I can just imagine, say, the opening dialogue with Caesar, the Think Tank, or Ulysses in Yes/No/Yes/Sarcastic format.
  14. PossibleCabbage

    New Gamers Suck

    I disagree that games must, above and beyond all, be "fun". I think this is an overly limited view of the medium. Perhaps games were once upon a time all about having a light-hearted time, but growing out of that is an important part of the evolution of the medium. No one would say a movie or...
  15. PossibleCabbage

    Why Fallout 4 is not a good Fallout: Argument: special playthroughs

    Well, a "why the earth is not flat" in a popular science magazine would be a good way to explain the difference between the difference between locally euclidean and actually flat. You could teach people about neighborhoods and tangent spaces!