Recent content by primitivescrewhead

  1. primitivescrewhead

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    I actually did manage to find the file after a lengthy search, and started a game. I still can't believe the file was over a gigabyte to download. After about an hour or two wandering around the prison, I gave up. Every cell block is nearly identical, most of those elevators should be either...
  2. primitivescrewhead

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    Hello there. I tried playing your mod but when I went about the installation process I realized there was no file called "patch000.dat" in my Fallout 2 folder. I tried running the modded game without it but I got a blue screen. Then I moved a file named "patch0001.dat" into the modded game...