Recent content by Puuk

  1. P

    Mothership Zeta trailer and dev diary

    Thanks! I won't look a gift horse in the mouth, that's for sure. I don't have to sell my house and move and they're paying me rather well. And yes, I would love to work on an old-school style RPG, but they are very few and far between in this day and age. But I'm looking forward to this project...
  2. P

    Game Informer The Pitt interview

    My poor trogs have devolved into nothing more than simple cannon fodder. *sigh* :(
  3. P

    NMA: Fallout 3 review

    That's one of the most complete and well thought out reviews of F3 I've read so far. Great job!
  4. P

    Fallout 3 Full E3 Trailer

    No sir, I'm just not feelin' it.
  5. P

    Want to work for Interplay?

    You look like Eve.
  6. P

    Want to work for Interplay?

    Getting second hand info from a digruntled player and having actually worked on the game (and I still keep in touch with the folks who continue to work on the game) are two very different things. It's true I'm not a big fan of TR, but just because I don't care for it doesn't make it a failure...
  7. P

    Want to work for Interplay?

    Uh, Tabula Rasa recently released and is doing fairly well, unlike Auto Assault which indeed crashed and burned.
  8. P

    Want to work for Interplay?

    I'd rather stab myself in the nuts with a salt covered ice pick. p.s. and I'm no longer an NCsoft developer, for those of you keeping score at home. I just wanted to point that out.
  9. P

    Interplay reopens in-house studio, hires Jason D. Anderson

    A little bit of my soul just died today reading this.
  10. P

    Emil Pagiarulo explains

    Ok, I can appreciate the clarification there. I'm back in the "wait and see" mode... sort of.
  11. P

    1Up interviews Emil Pagliarulo

    Dialogue will not affect the game's story? This is an RPG, right? This is stupid. I give up on Fallout 3. Any hope that this might be a good game is trashed. I wash my hands of F3 and Bethesda. :evil:
  12. P

    Fallout 3 not silly

    True that. And FUN trumps REALISM. I don't give a rat's ass if something is realistic in a game. I care if it makes the game fun. And if having the tactical option of shooting out the eye or blasting the groin adds to my fun within the game, then mission accomplished. I don't care about the...
  13. P

    Fallout 3 not silly

    So lemme see if I got this straight. Groin shots border on the "silly," yet forearm mounted nuclear catapolts are not? What little faith I had that F3 could turn out fun just choked and died from Emil's comments on what's "silly." You know, it may not be PC that I'm a dev and I'm speaking...
  14. P

    Herve Caen sees bright times ahead for Interplay

    Isn't Herve's comment evidence of hallucinogenic drug use and thus warrant an arrest? I do believe it is.