So I'm doing the Nuka-Cola Challenge. I found several sources online saying there are several Nuka-Cola Quantums in a wrecked truck near Old Oldney, so I checked there. I found one Nuka-Cola, one Quantum, and a shitload of empty bottles. Anyone have any idea why there aren't any more? Should I...
Sorry, just seemed like it would fit in here, since it went along with the previous posts.
I got the patches all installed in the right order, thanks for the help :)
329. You can make a weapon out of a vacuum cleaner, fire hose, and some duct tape.
330. You can decapitate a man with a pool ball fired from said weapon.
331. One shot to the torso can take off a head and a leg.
332. Time flies when you stand perfectly still!
333. The weight of two...