Recent content by QuantumApprentice

  1. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 mod Oblivion Lost mod - NEW Patch!

    Hey, sorry for the late reply. I think I have a potential solution. It looks like v1.04 includes a Patch002.dat file that's in russian and overrides the english patch. You can delete patch002.dat and those characters should be english now, but you can also try copying over my Patch002.dat...
  2. QuantumApprentice

    I made a .PRO file editor

    For those who are unaware, this tool allows you to view and edit all 6 types of proto files, not just the two (critter/items) that the ProtoManager allows you to edit. That being said, it could use an official release as a standalone executable so people don't have to compile and run it...
  3. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 mod Oblivion Lost mod - NEW Patch!

    Sweet! I fully intend to replay Last Hope mod. I had originally planned to play it over christmas break, but I got sick for about 2 weeks instead :( Look for something in the next month, I think.
  4. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 mod Oblivion Lost mod - NEW Patch!

    Oh weird... I just looked at the link again and the filename it points to does say v1.04, but the link itself says v1.03 and I could have sworn I downloaded the v1.03 version that I based this patch on from this link. I'm not sure what happened, but I guess I need to download and try out the...
  5. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 mod Oblivion Lost mod - NEW Patch!

    also Still trying to contribute while I learn to code :P and thank you!
  6. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 mod Oblivion Lost mod - NEW Patch!

    Version 1.04? Is there a version 1.04? I've only seen v1.03 which is what I linked above. I decompiled all the scripts in patch001.dat and looked through them for specific problems, and compared them to patch000.dat. Several of the scripts worked correctly in patch000.dat (ie the bugs in the...
  7. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 mod Oblivion Lost mod - NEW Patch!

    I don't think the forum is dying because Fallout is, I think the problem is half the people who work on Fallout 1/2 mods are fighting the other half in a real life war (Russia vs Ukraine). And I think most people are more concerned with the possible upcoming ww3, to the point where side hobbies...
  8. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 mod Oblivion Lost mod - NEW Patch!

    Took me a while to get there, but I managed to finish editing my Oblivion Lost playthrough and decided I wanted to make a patch of the mod so it doesn't crash as often, and so others can actually play it and get to the ending :) These two are download links to the patch...
  9. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 mod New Fallout2MechanicsMiniRework version

    Here's a question I've been getting about the original game mechanics, and it seems you might know the answer because you made a mod specifically modifying those mechanics: What were the vanilla game effects for thrust vs swing for melee weapons? Your earlier description makes it seem like...
  10. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 mod Olympus 2207 problems

    crazy...but I guess to be expected from microsoft. Thanks for the tip! I'll have to try disabling it.
  11. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 mod Olympus 2207 problems

    Open the task manager and make sure the game isn't still running in the background (fallout2.exe). Also check if rundll32.exe is still running. I'm not sure what the issue is, might have something to do with the current version of sfall, but these two executables can sometimes get stuck...
  12. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 mod scripting damage in combat mode?

    cool thanks! It turned out my problem had something to do with the git repo, not sure what, I just ended up deleting everything and re-cloning the repo. oops, looks like that link doesn't exist anymore, but I'll make sure to follow you :)
  13. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    You're supposed to