Recent content by ratsnack

  1. R

    Auto Assault to die its final death

    The premise might have been interesting, drive around completing missions. However the art was very childish perhaps designed by highschoolers. you can imagine how it looks on slower computers with reduced graphics.
  2. R

    NMA Steam Community

    is that the Fallout coop server ip? im in. is chat not working?
  3. R

    Counter-Suck meets FO

    Looks like Fallout Tactics 2: VR Missions. very nice outlining skillz
  4. R

    Now Loading (and Pencil Sketch)

    Not bad indeed. Gunholster seems a bit low. And uber-tatas are a bit strange. I still dont like the crotch fold, but maybe its just the burlap pants. I want to see a super distorted version :)
  5. R


    bootiful! I also like the earlier version with the green light. Perhaps needs better execution however.
  6. R

    Eurogamer interviews Pete Hines

    Brother, Hines must think we are alot older than we are :)
  7. R

    Extra NPC Mod? Is it possible.

    Well they can throw rocks...and maybe knives and grenades :)
  8. R

    ActionTrip interviews Gavin Carter

    I can't wait to blow up megaton so I won't have to hear about it in the future! Stealth boy, combat boy, science boy, etc. What else could there be? Vampire boy perhaps. Hopefully you can boot up fallout 1 on one of the desk computer in f3.
  9. R

    Doomsday is coming

    the marauder guy is Prodigy singer? looks ok. Awesome photoshops and fx. I've only seen Descent and it had nothing to do with the game :( . Was a long X-Files episode.
  10. R

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    radio los santos! "if you go out and cap some fools, doesnt that also make you a fool?"
  11. R

    Now Loading (and Pencil Sketch)

    ive encountered this problem before with mac illustrator rendering shitass jpgs. Please save as gif, or screengrab your desktop and up a png.
  12. R

    Ken Levine hints at Bioshock sequel

    it doesnt run on sm3 cards duhhh
  13. R

    Afterfall concept art

    really really good art.
  14. R

    Inside the Vault - Josh Jones

    I like how Mr Jone's whiteboard says "Hair/Hats" like its something very important to remember while he is drawing up new animations. That sucks honestly! It is so sad that's apparently what sells now. Second Life style.
  15. R

    Random half assed sketch

    hahaha damn right she is ackwardly shaped! Get some more paper and draw it again!