Recent content by ResetRPG

  1. ResetRPG

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Finally started playing the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series. I started with Shadow of Chernobyl and I am loving it so far. I am really excited to continue playing it. The atmosphere is palpable and the soundtrack is fits the game perfectly. Gunplay is servicable, but really doesn't detract too much from...
  2. ResetRPG

    Good games similar to Mass Effect?

    Most Bioware games prior to 2015 would scratch that itch, but I would specifically recommend KOTOR 1 and 2. Make sure you install get the restored mod for KOTOR 2 though. KOTOR 2 vanilla is still a really good game, but the restored content mod makes it SO much better.
  3. ResetRPG

    Update 1). Found out I can get a 0 on all of my Finals and still graduate Magna Cum Laude in...

    Update 1). Found out I can get a 0 on all of my Finals and still graduate Magna Cum Laude in December, so I am essentially done with College! 2). I got a full time job offer working in Corporate Treasury at a Mid Sized Regional Bank. God has a plan, and I am so blessed to be where I am at...
  4. ResetRPG

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I can agree somewhat. Personally I have always liked the Gothic style of world design, where the world is really small and packed to the brim with content, but with a paid fast travel system to the big hub cities. The size of an open world has a rather elastic marginal utility, since it just...
  5. ResetRPG

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Yeah, I absolutely agree. Really the only reason I found value in Far Cry 5 is that I REALLY liked the setting of Montana with the backdrop of the Rocky mountains. It was genuinely very interesting what they did in the area. To be fair I have an obsession of the geography of the western US and...
  6. ResetRPG

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I've been obsessed with the Resident Evil series as of late. Resident Evil (2002) is genuinely one of the best video games I have ever played. Hard contender for my favorite game of all time.
  7. ResetRPG

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I need to play Far Cry 2. I enjoyed Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 5- but I can't bring myself to play any other Far Cry games. They are so boring after like an hour or 2.
  8. ResetRPG


    I mean, that's given.
  9. ResetRPG


    I liked Operation Anchorage. Mothership Zeta was much worse IMO.
  10. ResetRPG

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    How is it so far? Daggerfall seems like a blast, but I've never given it an honest try.
  11. ResetRPG

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Paper Mario TTYD is so fucking good dude
  12. ResetRPG

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Honestly, I just play the same way every single time lol. I really go back just to craft some shit and dick around :monocle:
  13. ResetRPG

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I want to get more into Oblivion, but it's in a very weird middle ground for me, where it isn't as comforting to me as Skyrim, but it lacks the Mechanical Depth of Morrowind Cyrodil is a genuinely awesome world though, and the quest design is genuinely so good to me.
  14. ResetRPG

    I've finally actually seen someone play this game. It's amazing how little this feels like Fallout.

    I generally have a high tolerance for Bethesda games, but 76 and Starfield were just absolute stinkers to me. Like, I am unable to enjoy them as junk food games (I.E: Mechanically Shallow and Easy, but fun).
  15. ResetRPG

    Graduating with my Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics. It's been a long and exhausting college journey.

    Graduating with my Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics. It's been a long and exhausting college journey.