Recent content by Rheios

  1. Rheios

    Fallout TV show in development

    It'd make sense that a lot of the broken down housing was also cannibalized for use, for sure. Because once you come down from the mountains there really aren't any/many trees to be using to make even junk furniture, weapons, or simple home repairs. I imagine by now most of the wood isn't usable...
  2. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    Yeah, watching Sterling go after 76 but still waffling try and support 4 has been rather funny imo. Like he won't come out and say its the same game but with the thin veneer peeled away. Honestly, I can sortof understand it. He lacks the time to get to really know these games like he probably...
  3. Rheios

    4th edition's cardinal sin was putting game balance over the setting. Balance is great but if...

    4th edition's cardinal sin was putting game balance over the setting. Balance is great but if the rules fly in the face of the history, physics, and characteristics of a setting without a strong explanation you create an atmosphere entirely divorced from role-playing. You're just playing a...
  4. Rheios

    At least they've started really having fun with it.

    At least they've started really having fun with it.
  5. Rheios

    Currently, I'm watching the Wendy's sponsored Critical Role episode. It is the 2nd *weirdest*...

    Currently, I'm watching the Wendy's sponsored Critical Role episode. It is the 2nd *weirdest* cringefest of D&D I've seen since 4th edition.
  6. Rheios

    There's so much *marketing* in even the old stuff. Its the sort of thing that made me worried...

    There's so much *marketing* in even the old stuff. Its the sort of thing that made me worried about Fallout 4 and if I had thought to look would have been prophetic. I really am madder at myself for not knowing better.
  7. Rheios

    Saw the necro for the links to the F3 previews and reading it for the first time. Is it possible...

    Saw the necro for the links to the F3 previews and reading it for the first time. Is it possible to get angry retro-actively? =P
  8. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    That pretty much sums it up. Its also why they wanted 76. Why keep spending all that development money on entirely new games when you can make 1 game and periodically update it with a new target, right? Its why they have a survival game, now with a battle royal mode. Whatever the next trend is...
  9. Rheios

    I find a certain YouTuber very cancerous.

    How the heck didn't I think to search youtube for a NMA channel? Time to binge some old, old videos. I mean, I see F:NV trailer and teaser stuff up there as the newest things. Albeit if we wanted to end on a relatively high note about "official" content that's probably the place to leave it. =P
  10. Rheios

    Very true. I'd still love to have a kid, tbh. But *man* would it be a life changer for me. I'm...

    Very true. I'd still love to have a kid, tbh. But *man* would it be a life changer for me. I'm single in my 30's and only responsible for cats and helping out my mom atm, really. My friends did it right at least. College=>Jobs=>Home=>Kid
  11. Rheios

    Outer World's Obligatory Bad News

    I'm hoping things turn out well, but I was planning to wait already because of the exclusivity stuff. Which is beneficial to me because if they support OW like they did Deadfire then by the time it starts becoming available in other markets they may have started to fix annoyances and work toward...
  12. Rheios

    You ever blink and realize its been like a year and your friends have kids and you're over 30...

    You ever blink and realize its been like a year and your friends have kids and you're over 30? Been that year. =P
  13. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    Want to know the weird thing to me? The article is treating that 76 wedding like game weddings are somehow unique. That shit's been going on since fucking Meridian 59 - before even Ultima Online. They aren't finding some unique method to play a multiplayer game, they're just shoehorning an old...
  14. Rheios

    Bethesda going out of its way to ignore New Vegas

    It's in one of their stupid pip-boy games, the Atomic Command one that's a ripoff of Missle Command. It uses the "Fabulous Las Vegas" sign in it. Honestly, there's a fair number of little New Vegas references in Fallout 4 but it always seemed to be easily written off smokescreen to me. Nothing...
  15. Rheios

    I should have known better, I'm usually pretty good about avoiding it, but for some reason...

    I should have known better, I'm usually pretty good about avoiding it, but for some reason forgot to check if they opted me into anything. That hindsight