Recent content by RoboStang

  1. RoboStang

    Hey guys! We got mentioned in a Nuka World review!

    It was a hyperbole but I can see you took it personally. As someone who has had to deal with both my mother and my sister being mentally ill, I can very much assure you that the dogmatic mindset of fanboys is nearly identical to the mindset of many people who suffer from mental illness. You...
  2. RoboStang

    Hey guys! We got mentioned in a Nuka World review!

    Yeah at this point I don't really give a shit, I actually enjoyed the DLC because it isn't even trying to be an RPG, and it actually has quite a few New Vegas references, which is nice. It's just a mediocre FPS where I can stroll around in Disney World. NMA no longer has a minority opinion...
  3. RoboStang

    Nuka Rant

    Sheeeit I was hoping you were a troll, this site is much more entertaining when Bethesda apologists show up.
  4. RoboStang

    Nuka World: No Review Possible

    Welp. The girl on the cover art is pretty hot, so I guess that's a plus.
  5. RoboStang

    Are there any FO5 references in FO4?

    NMA as a community definitely should consider making a pact to not buy Fallout 5 if it's developed by Bethesda. Possibly waiting a solid 2 to 3 weeks after release to read reviews and watch Let's Play videos. Fortunately though, there seems to be a growing resentment of Fallout 4 on the...
  6. RoboStang

    Star Wars Thread

    I personally haven't watched them but I've heard they're good because they wipe George's ass clean up and the shit job he did with the prequels. There's two seasons, right? I've been meaning to get around to watching them.
  7. RoboStang

    A video on the Brexit and why the UK should leave.

    Your shitposts are starting to give me a brain tumor m8.
  8. RoboStang

    What other forums are you on?

    I use , , and occasionally reddit, but reddit sucks. Sometimes I lurk on Sugarbombed and the codex
  9. RoboStang

    Fallout 4 GamingSins

    Unfortunately these are just a tiny fraction of the problems in Fallout 4. Regardless, it's always nice to see a video calling Fallout 4 out for being a turd.
  10. RoboStang

    Fallout with the best written dialogue? (Please provide a quote from your choice).

    I actually got cancer from that confrontation with Kellogg. I thought it was ultra cringey and completely out of place because the player character gets all angry and starts yelling at the dude. @paulcarroll I thought you were going to say something about Kellogg's monologue from that Far...
  11. RoboStang

    Fallout with the best written dialogue? (Please provide a quote from your choice).

    *rages internally* do you mind sharing some examples that led you to this conclusion?
  12. RoboStang

    Fallout with the best written dialogue? (Please provide a quote from your choice).

    New Vegas, of course. The game has too many great quotes to count. If only it's engine wasn't a piece of shit.... "Lastly, waging war against good people is bad for the soul. This may not seem important to you now, but it's the most important thing I've said." "We shall see how brave you are...
  13. RoboStang

    Bethesda Shows Where Their Priorities Are (Patch 1.6 New)

    @Zyax Fallout: New Vegas development time: 18 months Fallout 4 development time: 84 months/7 years
  14. RoboStang

    Your top 5 favorite (non Fallout) games.

    1. Halo 2 2. Dead Space 3. GTA IV 4. Halo 3 5. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare