Recent content by roginvs

  1. R

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

    I will remind that beauty of @Cambragol translation is that it works on vanilla Sonora and thus it works on fallout2-ce
  2. R

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

    @ZaanTheTribal @Cambragol The correct link for fallout2-ce build is from organization, My repository should produce the similar result for non-web builds except few changes which I had to do because of webassembly specific
  3. R

    Fallout Nevada and Sonora in the browser

    First issue is fixed (, but there are still several other places with similar issues, I hope to go through them and fix too. Regarding iPad: what iPad and ios version are you using? I do not have iPad at home but I've tried using...
  4. R

    Fallout Nevada and Sonora in the browser

    Thanks for bug reports! I was hunting this "Memory access of bounds" error for a while. I got multiple Sentry reports with this error but I did not know how to reproduce it. Now I reproduced it locally so I hope things will move forward. Regarding no sound on iPad: this might be some issues...
  5. R

    Fallout Nevada and Sonora in the browser

    There are things to improve, I agree. I will keep this in mind, thanks. Right now I am focused on solving "memory access out of bounds" error which happens from time to time. Probably it is some issue in the C code of fallout2-ce and not related to WebAssembly itself, but still very annoying one.
  6. R

    Fallout Nevada and Sonora in the browser

    What Firefox version and platform do you have? I am running Firefox 131 on Linux and it works for me
  7. R

    Fallout Nevada and Sonora in the browser

    That was tough. It crashes on iOS but only when compiled with -O2 or -O3 flags. I changed optimization into -O1 and looks like it works fine now. Unfortunately slightly more CPU usage but it works. Quite weird that it worked on Chrome for me for a while, probably some difference with...
  8. R

    Fallout Nevada and Sonora in the browser

    Yes, I can confirm that there is an error "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded." on ios 16. Thanks for the report, I will investigate
  9. R

    Fallout: Sonora - Vanilla translation done!

    Yes, the website works on Android too. I personally played lots of Sonora on my Android tablet
  10. R

    Fallout Nevada and Sonora in the browser

    Hi all, I've made a website where people can play Fallout Nevada and Sonora from the browser. - English version is available for both Nevada and Sonora - No installation needed, no worries about unknown .exe files, everything is safe - Savegames are saved into browser storage and available...
  11. R

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

    @Cambragol Can you make a pull request with those changes into fallout2-ce? I think such change will be valuable for all games, not only for Sonora
  12. R

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

    Deployed current release into browser version on (in the bottom of the page) Please report if any issues are found