"Indeed, certain predictions made by some fans that Fallout 3 would implement some of the worst traits of the recent Elder Scrolls games have turned out to be true. Thankfully, none of them will be brought up in our article. The vast majority of us are happy to pay no mind to the unique style...
Small bit o'conspiracy:
I was fighting the usual uphill battle at GameFAQs, in a thread entitled "Gamespy hates Vloorshad" (the title being a reference to a good user there who doesn't give people any slack). People were being their usual asses regarding NMA - while not supporting Rausch's...
What? Out of his 4 posts, only three could be called trolling and even then, what does an outright ban achieve that thoroughly pointing out how his perception was wrong doesn't? If you want to show people how much they're wrong about the community, you can't expect a ban to do the job. I wasn't...
How about Concurrent Turns in Temple of Elemental Evil? :P I know, it was an optional rule but still, a more accurate definition might be that combat is segmented into time units for every character in combat rather than all time units happening simultaneously.
You're both kind of right since I have been at the GameFAQs forums way before the merger with Gamespot and with multiple accounts until I settled for my current one. So, the 'struggle' began at GameFAQs and inevitably spilled into Gamespot after both sites merged.
I usually don't use my...
Some more whinin' of your text at the GameFAQs forums:
This kind of reaction over there is normal whenever anything regarding Bethesda is discussed. I've been trying to fight the good fight over there for years and gave my input but it's a losing battle. Eventually, you know scores of...
Does. Not. Compute. It's like saying, "if you care about the gameplay and the concept of continuity in a sequel, you're not a Fallout fan - if you are only interested in a handful of stylistic elements and themes that may not even be exclusive to Fallout, then you're a real fan and we've got...